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    TwinStar team

Boost pop


Nov 7, 2014
Hi there,

My suggestion is to boost Kronos population through the following methods:

1. Artificially increase the amount of players displayed on the server, E.g. When we have 500 online display that we have 700 online.

2. Put bots in all the zones so it looks like more people are playing.

3. Generate auctions to fill up the AH so it looks like more people are here.

It does not matter that these strategies are disingenuous, they worked extremely well for another vanilla server. They can work on Kronos too.
1. Boost Pop
2. Rename Deadmines to VC
3. Reddit campaing
4. 10x rates
5. Pedo-Moradin
6. VC boosting
7. No respec cost
8. Nude patch
9. New custom mage skill potal to Theramore
10. FP in GoldShire
11. ???
12. blizzlike profit
Hi there,

My suggestion is to boost Kronos population through the following methods:

1. Artificially increase the amount of players displayed on the server, E.g. When we have 500 online display that we have 700 online.

2. Put bots in all the zones so it looks like more people are playing.

3. Generate auctions to fill up the AH so it looks like more people are here.

It does not matter that these strategies are disingenuous, they worked extremely well for another vanilla server. They can work on Kronos too.

How about we try to actually make changes that will help something, in comparision to faking numbers and pretending?
Here is how I see your proposition :

I think those changes (bots and lying about population numbers) only further add to the idea that private servers are fishy (a thought which is already shared by many) and would create a community based on lies. What would then be the next step? Always announcing population increases whatever happens? Muting players on the forums that say something else? That's an open door to deviant behaviours.

Admittedly it could get some more players, but the potential hit to Kronos reputation and have unforeseen consequences on development seems way too high to me. I don't think Kronos values would either allow this idea. Also, on ethical and philosophical grounds I am against it.

We are not liers. We are a community whose population is getting lower. What we need is to acknowledge it, find ideas or solutions and try them. Also, history should help us to find what can work and what can't.

[2nd part incoming]

Okay, here is the lenghty answer/proposition.

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You guys really didn't get what he was implying? :biggrin:

All this stuff is common practice for private server and usually works out very well for them as the majority of players are mindless zombies who can not process more information about a server then a 3-4 digit number aka /who.
I don't think this is the way but something does indeed need to be done, especially promo. Even on retail servers, people are aware of our competition, but not us.
These suggestions requires to be done by the community itself, some effort needs to be put into it.

1. Make some sort of initiative like on peenix (The new player something), sending them some gold, items & bags to make starting a new character more attractive.

2. Get some actual zg/mc/ony pugs going to get some new 60's to witness great scripting and maybe a couple of epox.
Overall weekly population of characters has exceeded 7600 for the first time, and NA base is certainly the portion of players that's showing a noticeable increase when I look at past-midnight frames. Doomsayers (if any) should wait for now.
>Go to /wpsg/
>trashtalk brostalrius with tinfoil accusations
>Shill Kronos
>Queue Arathi Basin

2k16 is the year of crossfaction solutions
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