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    TwinStar team

Druid Balance PVP specs


New Member
Dec 25, 2012
Been playing around a bit yesterday, and here are the results.

The ultimate balance druid PVP spec:


In WSG, which is the majority of vanilla PVP experience, it's mostly played as a caster, but it also has somewhat decent FC capabilities.

Why NS instead of Moonkin Form?

Moonkin Form doesn't do much in vanilla. You can't tank the melee in it, dispelling and healing kicks you out, and you need to waste a GCD every time you switch back. That same GCD could be used for an extra Wrath for example. Menawhile, NS can be used to do cool shit like Hibernate, heals, or even roots.

Why no Imp. Starfire?

Your main nuke is Wrath. Faster cast = more chance to crit, more chance to kill the enemy before something that prevents you from casting happens (melee attacking you, getting ccd, etc). You're getting CS'd on your Wraths? Sucks to be you. Learn to juke -- Wrath juke into 1 Moonfire is almost always enough to bait it.

Why no Vengeance (moar crit dmg)?

This kinda sucks, but there simply are no points for it. Think about it like this: these 5 talents points only work when you crit; all other times when you don't crit, these 5 points do absolutely nothing. Reducing your crit dmg in favor of NG and root pushback is a worthy tradeoff IMO.

Alternative spec with Feral Charge: http://db.vanillagaming.org/?talent#0tGxhM0sxVg0oZVc

If you're running with tons of crit, you can drop points from Nature's Focus and Feral Instinct for teh crit damag.

Why Feral Instinct?

I haven't tested that on Kronos, but on a TBC server I've had massive success by speccing into it. You can get a spammable Pounce macro and surprise motherfucker those rogues. You can use it at the middle as you engage to fuck up their opener, you can do it in a flag room, it's good in those ominous moments when you see a rogue stealthing to 1v1 you.

General gameplay:

Start in stealth so you don't get focused. The moment the fight starts, start pumping out Wraths while dispeling and throwing out some hots. Moonfire is an amazing spell in vanilla: with enough spell dmg and crit, you can kill people just by spamming it. This works especially well with enemy flag carriers.

Your biggest burst is 2x Wrath and Moonifire. This will deal good initial damage that can be followed with either more Wrath/Moonfire (if you need to move) or healing/dispelling.

Also, make sure to always be rooting and hibernating things. Many druids are terribad at avoiding Hibernates so go for it. Using it on hunter pets is cool too. If you have NS, you can root a druid to make him shift into travel form, and then use NS Hibernate.

You also make a decent FC; I'd argue a better one than a feral druid. You're in caster gear, which makes your heals superior to feral's, and having NS is big as well. Sure feral can kill things without using mana, but the main FC's job is to get the flag across the field and kite around the base if needed.

Common criticism:

"i woudtn bring u into premade amg l2p ****** troll"

While this isn't primarily a FC build, druids can do good damage. The utility is at least at a level of a frost mage, and the druid's damage is higher. Survivability is arguably even better if you know how to position and use LoS in your advantage.

"u dnot do any demeg lol wat is wrath hit liek 200 dmg LOL ahaha go resto fag"

Check out this vid: https://youtu.be/pf1sQZpm2tc

And he was a resto druid who rolled on caster pieces for an offspec. Now imagine a proper moonkin with full AQ40 caster gear.

I hope this sparks a kind of a discussion and hopefully encourages the moonkins we have to give pvp a shot (if they haven't already). Looking forward to your comments.
You probably know better than I do, but an issue I see with not taking imp. starfire and moonkin form is that you're gonna have a hard time against melee classes. From my experience, roots > starfire + moonfire is a lot of damage, especially if you get lucky with crits/stuns.

Still, glad to see a post about moonkins. I wanna gear up mine but they still haven't fixed nature's grace on this server :mellow:
Came here to echo that. I did a fair bit of boomkin pvp in vanilla and massive starfire crits (and stuns) on melee classes was overkill. You only really get one spell off in combination with roots because it breaks as the slightest sign of damage.

A raid geared boomkin with imp. starfire can crit around 2.5-3k and then stun, allowing for another 2.5-3k crit = dead pretty much anything.

Equally against enemy flag carriers or just about anyone you can get the jump on, the high alpha arguably outweighs high dps as you can't heal something that's already dead.

That's not to say that either of these specs or strats are bad or wrong, it's just a different way of playing.

I can't say I agree with the feral instinct choice, even in 1v1 scenarios. Catseye elixir is cheap as fuck and it basically negates enemy stealth advantages - so if you want to level the playing field with a rogue keep a stock of those handy.
I still disagree about not taking Moonkin form. You're pretty much a free kill to rogues unless you're in bear form.

Plate armor at will > instant spell every 3 min
I still disagree about not taking Moonkin form. You're pretty much a free kill to rogues unless you're in bear form.

Plate armor at will > instant spell every 3 min

Nope, you die to rogues either way. Gotta get those living action pots. Boomkin isnt good, especially vs casters, you wont ever use it. Swiftmend is definetly better. Also you can toss spell crit without chicken form just focus on sp and keep moonfire/insect all time.
Nature's grasp + faerie fire + travel + rejuvenate isn't enough vs. Rogues? The only thing you can't counter is their second sprint if they spec subtlety and even then you should have plenty of distance after cat sprint to easily kite until it is gone. I guess if you get one shot it would hurt but with moonkin form it would be unlikely.
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