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    TwinStar team

Character Re-customize/race change for donation?

No faction change, for obvious reasons.

Race, gender, and appearance changes for Stars? I say, go for it. If it helps Twinstar generate more income to float the server's costs, I can't see anything but upsides to it.

The player takes one of their accounts and makes a level 1 character of the same class and faction that is of the race, gender, and appearance that they would like to change to. An Admin taking the request logs into both accounts and changes the starting character into the target level 1 character's characteristics. Everyone's happy.
No faction change, for obvious reasons.

Race, gender, and appearance changes for Stars? I say, go for it. If it helps Twinstar generate more income to float the server's costs, I can't see anything but upsides to it.

The player takes one of their accounts and makes a level 1 character of the same class and faction that is of the race, gender, and appearance that they would like to change to. An Admin taking the request logs into both accounts and changes the starting character into the target level 1 character's characteristics. Everyone's happy.

The admins stated several times that it currently is not top priority because it is not so easy to do in the vanilla client. Currently they focus on the near aq release. They have not said that this feature will never come but if they implement it they want to integrate it somehow automated. They know about the "make a lvl 1 and copy stuff on it" but that takes alot of manual labor for a developer.
The admins stated several times that it currently is not top priority because it is not so easy to do in the vanilla client. Currently they focus on the near aq release. They have not said that this feature will never come but if they implement it they want to integrate it somehow automated. They know about the "make a lvl 1 and copy stuff on it" but that takes alot of manual labor for a developer.
Really hope they can find the time for it soon though. Having a race change near AQ release would be perfect.

Obviously a faction change would be able to kill either horde or alliance quite quickly and should never be done imo, only talking about the race change here.
I also am excited for the ability to adjust superficial features. I would like to mess with the skin tone, hair style, and face of my characters, and I would be willing to donate a good amount to do so. I like playing with these aesthetics. I hope the feature is implemented soon.
Hey Chero I know you're a busy guy but it's been a few months since your last comment on this. Any news or updates on the ability to race change yet? Thanks!
I'll bump my suggestion again on this thread:
Race/Gender Change - Both Factions and low cost.
Faction Change - Only open for one faction if the factions is unbalanced, if not keep it open for both.
^ Ofc that requires some kind of monitoring to check when its unbalanced and not, but quite easy to come up with an system that should work manually atleast, something that does it automatically would be hard I think.
I'm personally a bit fickle about the slight aesthetics like skin tone and hair, and it's painful that I can only adjust those things by starting a character from scratch... I'd be so happy if I could pay money in order to mess with the superficial looks on characters without having to restart. I'd probably end up single-handedly supporting the monthly server maintenance costs with how many times I'd keep messing with my character's appearance haha :D
Personally I think barber shop (change hair, face features like scars, etc) is fine but everything else is not. Change race, gender, wtf? No. I don't think you should be able to level as one race then switch.

To me that is not at all blizzlike, and frankly there are still plenty of bugs which should be a higher priority for dev resources rather than "let me pull a caitlyn Jenner on my wow account" type requests. Are we seriously asking them to invest time and effort into coding the ability to turn a male troll into like a female tauren, when we still have bats stuck in trees??? Lmao priorities people!!
It would be seen as extremely progressive if you enabled me to change into a cute girl orc.

I have been a cute girl trapped in a handsome male body for too long.
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