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    TwinStar team

Quest log <?>

Sorry, but... Where should I click? :) "Unspecified" is unclickable. Or I need an authorization to change status?

Also - I wanted to mark the whole The Defias Brotherhood chain as working, but there're some very minor bugs with the Defias Messenger which I have reported. Can it still be called "Working"? I saw "Not working correctly" status on quests with minor, not quest-breaking bugs (https://vanilla-twinhead.twinstar.cz/?quest=5461, for example - no story).

And the whole this system is kinda duplicate to a bugtracker, that's why they don't care a lot about this statuses I guess. But better view is better :) Nice feature that can be revived by players.

Edit: thanks for the explanation, didn't notice that change-status thing on add-comment field. So - everyone can participate! Please mark a quests you found working as "Working"! :)
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First,you must be logged in to have the option to comment and change status.Once you are logged find the exact quest you want to change,then open the quest link,scroll down to: 'Contribute' and there you will see 3 sections.In order to change status choose "Add your comment" section.

You cant make a status on whole chain-do it one by one...
BTW , I am not sure if we can call a quest "working",that basically works but with some little bugs.Personally :biggrin: I made the same mistake on 2x quests that were reported(issue),but I found that issues are not a critical ones and signed them as "working",so I am sorry if it was wrong.From now on i would be more careful.
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Well, this system is there to show players looking for answers, if quest works or not quickly and easily. If yes, then they know, that they are doing something wrong, if no, then they can rewiev issues and if there are none, the they can create one.
Just a reminder.

Creating a comment is not equal to creating a report (issue). Devs and Testers will mostly ignore comments (since it´s harder to search for them) and work mostly with created issues.
The point of comment on quest or changing its status is to let other people know that it is already tested.This way we will prevent retesting same quests and concentrate on those that are not even specified.Example-I saw 2 people testing westfall zone....its not a bad thing,yeh 2 people may find more bugs and test more detailed, but my point of view is that we can do more by testing more content.People can just check which one needs their help(i mean not specified) and then test if it is working or not.

I just want to alert people that there is such an option,and if they have already tested some quest -mark it as tested......because personally i discovered this exists like 4 days ago.
The point of comment on quest or changing its status is to let other people know that it is already tested.This way we will prevent retesting same quests and concentrate on those that are not even specified.Example-I saw 2 people testing westfall zone....its not a bad thing,yeh 2 people may find more bugs and test more detailed, but my point of view is that we can do more by testing more content.People can just check which one needs their help(i mean not specified) and then test if it is working or not.

I just want to alert people that there is such an option,and if they have already tested some quest -mark it as tested......because personally i discovered this exists like 4 days ago.


It is not true that we don't care much about this feature Nimeralos. This status wasn't available to Kronos players beforehand, but feel free to inspect the WotLK twinhead section where it is hugely used.
It's also great tool for telling players what works and what doesn't work. Topics like this one are proof that it will be useful.

And finally, since people love numbers, the real reason for you to go all out in checking if quests are working is that you can get a shiny 100% on the Quests page, for example, the Elwynn Forest quests page already boasts a 97.1% quests working. :wink:

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Also take a look at: [BETA] Leveling project

It would be even better if the guys from this Leveling project spent like 15 minutes to check/mark what they have found.As I see their posts there,Dun Morogh, Loch Modan,burning steppeds,Elwyn Forest, Westfall,Stonetalon and Ashenvale,Mulgore,Teldrassil,Darkshore,Redridge Mountains,Duskwood,Wetlands,Tirisfal Glades are being tested or even DONE,but we cant see the progress and current state of zones... so I wish guys see this and fix that soon.
BUMP!Lets fill it please.It won't hurt you I guess.It will be a good guide for someone in need.
How to:
First,you must be logged in to have the option to comment and change status.Once you are logged find the exact quest you want to change,then open the quest link,scroll down to: 'Contribute' and there you will see 3 sections.In order to change status choose "Add your comment" section.

You cant make a status on whole chain-do it one by one...
BTW , I am not sure if we can call a quest "working",that basically works but with some little bugs.Personally :biggrin: I made the same mistake on 2x quests that were reported(issue),but I found that issues are not a critical ones and signed them as "working",so I am sorry if it was wrong.From now on i would be more careful.

I think it is the right time now,everyone is leveling...
If you guys after every 10 hours of leveling spend 10 minutes to comment the quests you've done and mark them as "Working" (or "Not working") - job would be done very soon. Even I - level 25 - still have a lot of quests to mark!

Hope that this bump will make some people care about it.
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Going on a marking spree for the quests I do remember. I might run through zones on another character later on to mark a few more.
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