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    TwinStar team

Still no way of new players knowing about WORLD chat. What a joke.


New Member
May 25, 2015
This has been brought up countless times. New players have no way of knowing about [World] chat. NA players are used to joining 'LookingForGroup'. I've had countless players join my guild and I've had to tell them to /join World in order to find groups.

Why can't the server entrance message be "Don't forget to /join World" or something to that effect? Why are we making leveling harder for newer players?

This needs to be fixed ASAP. For the sake of this server growing. My guild will reach 60 and this doesnt affect us or me at all. I just want things to go smoothly for new players here.

edit: the GMs listened! It's been fixed!
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I just want to make you aware that when you're on a private server and the developers have given their blood, sweat and tears to provide it to you FOR FREE. Telling them it's a joke, making demands and being dramatic is just not the right way to go about things.

Imagine you have a friend who is regularly giving you transport to work for free. Now you start demanding things and being dramatic about the fact that his air conditioning isn't working or the music isn't to your liking. It's kind of the same thing.

We don't have to be sheep either, obviously. Yes, world chat is great and people need to know about it. There might be nuances we're not aware of though.
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Its not really THAT much of a major thing.

There was no world channel in retail vanilla, and you were only able to access the LFG channel if you were in capital cities.

Vanilla is a game about discovery, its a silly excuse but having green players work their way through the first few levels on their own then discovering world channel is quite nice. Its not like they can post on world channel until level 5 anyway
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As infernoplex has linked my post already i will update, I have mentioned it to chero and been told it will not be added i am afraid you will just have to tell people about world chat and i will personally will announce world chat in the "looking for group" chat, im sorry for this and that i can't do more to help :(
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Thats too bad.

This is a simple change that will only help to foster and grow the population
For what it's worth, EVERY private server I have played on has had a world channel. Players who aren't familiar with the private server scene wouldn't know this, but they learn quickly.

because i love 5mans on lvl where i am through leveling i often use for LFG/LFM:
/join world

so am i right that:
/join LookingForGroup
is visible for all people as a general chat or something similar?

Just tell me the best way how to find people which are interested in instances. Im usually writing in to "world" and "trade" channel for LFG/LFM. I know trade channel should be for trade but...
Sure we have innkeepers for LFG but my experience is that 1-2 member of party use this, the others i invite via channels.

Thanks! =)
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so am i right that:
/join LookingForGroup
is visible for all people as a general chat or something similar?
It is visible for all people that joined that channel. Use both LFG and world for gathering a group. In addition to that you can look out for players using /who command and its filters.

It is just bad habit of players that they keep sticking to throw everything into private world channel without paying attention what game offers them.
Can we know what the reasoning behind not adding some kind of anouncement is?

It's obviously not the technical feasibility that's holding us back here so there have to be different concerns.
Its a bit dramatic to say this is stunting the growth of the population...its not difficult to find out...heck its not difficult to talk to anyone...just whisper people in the who list. I think some are making this a bigger issue then it needs to be.
Its a bit dramatic to say this is stunting the growth of the population...its not difficult to find out...heck its not difficult to talk to anyone...just whisper people in the who list. I think some are making this a bigger issue then it needs to be.

its dramatic to say it has a substantial impact but to say it has no impact is also being dramatic :tongue:

I think for many new players especially NA players you are greeted with an almost empty world, /world kind of changes that perception because its VERY busy.

Why not just have it joined by default?
I do not know the reasoning nor will i be mentioning it again until a much later date, Just don't shoot the messenger.
You are really making a bigger deal out of this then it is.

Think back to vanilla retail...

If you really have a problem with it, spam general chat in durotar/tirisfal/mulgore letting people know that world channel exists.
Cassettes is a known world chat troll, keep that in mind when responding to his comments.
Just so there is an opinion from the opposite side of the room.

I prefer not having the world chat on by default. If everyone was just instantly using that as the default chat it would be flooded, kind of like how Trade chat was back in the day. (Prolly still is)

Personally, I play with all chat windows down aside from Party/Guild/Defense.

The nonsense that goes on in the other channels is just immersion breakingly bad. I don't even have whispers up anymore since some of the lewd comments I get just out of nowhere.

If I need to see a whisper I will toggle it on while I conduct my business.

This is the first private server that I wasn't running myself. I was not aware /world existed until I was reading these forums. I have used it to find 1 group, while the rest of the time I have been just picking up people from local and friends.

If the population suffers due to a feature that is not needed in order to play the game, nor was it available to us in vanilla. Then we are better off without those types of people.


I'm seeing Horde players that are level 20 or under asking for LFG for RFC and WC and only using local zone channels because they don't know the server has a World Channel.

Use " /join World "

Keeping this bumped to the front page until a ban happens or something.
You think its important
Noone else thinks its important.

Everyone else is wrong.
Maybe add custom note in every new players bag that gives a little intro and tells about world chat and such.
This needs to be fixed ASAP. For the sake of this server growing. My guild will reach 60 and this doesnt affect us or me at all. I just want things to go smoothly for new players here.
I just started playing this server. I am from NA, and I typically like to read through forums for the servers I play on. I would not have known about World chat had it not been for this thread right here (I was waiting for any activity to show up in LookingForGroup, but to no avail). OP is correct in his assessment.
I just returned after not having played for a few months and seeing as the population as shrunk a bit I'd again suggest to notify players about the world chat.
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