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    TwinStar team

A great marketing opportunity for the server


Nov 7, 2014

Excuse me, but i must start this suggestion with a brief preface.

Kronos is the best server i have ever played on (and i have been on a lot: 60s on ED, 60 on Rebirth, 60 on Nos). I don't think there is another server that has as many working quests and correctly working quests as Kronos does. With that being said however, Kronos does not have 100% working quests. There are a few like Rise! Obsidion!, Missing Diplomat chain and the chicken escort in Tanaris that come to mind as not working or not working properly.

My suggestion is that aiming to get 100% of quests working* is a tremendous selling point for the server. Imagine Kronos being able to claim that it is the only vanilla private server that has 100% of quests working, that truly indicates tangible quality more than overused buzzwords such as "most-advanced", "blizz-like", "authentic", etc. that are common-place advertising for every vanilla private server there is.

Kronos deserves to be respected and experienced by any vanilla wow/wow enthusiast for its unrivalled content and for those who work and have worked so hard to make the server what it is.

*I realize this cannot be done over night and i realize that releasing raiding content is necessary to satiate the raiders but if possible fixing quests to 100% completion deserves more priority imo

Thank you for your consideration
Quest are cool, yes. No think about how often you do these quest? Exactly, once per character. Skipping a low level question will not cause you any other harm then inconvenience. As much as I like Kronos state, I found its pretty useless if the endgame isn't tuned right.
Compare how often you do raid or 5 man content to quests. People may pretend like they actually care for working low level content, but in reality its quite the opposite in the long run.

What upsets me most is that Kronos perks are not as obvious. Even you as a regular player fail to see where Kronos really shines.
This is the server where most class abilities and specs work, together with other mechanics that are generally broken on other servers.
The best way to assign a priority to bugs, imho, revolves around the voting system already in place on the bugtracker. That is, simply put, based on what feedback we, the players ourselves, provide.

Level a toon to 19, link your ingame account to the forum one, then you'll have 10 Vote Points that you will be able to spend on what issues you feel might be best to focus on first. :wink:
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What Aurigon said. During the open Beta there were numerous bugs that cropped up, and testers took advantage of the vote system to push issues to the front that they felt strongly about. An example that I recall was the bugged mob pathing in the Searing Blade caverns in the Valley of Trials, which every new orc and troll player was going to encounter early in their time on Kronos. Videos were made showing the problems, votes were cast and Chero spent hours fixing the issue with custom pathing that would enhance cavern systems globally in the game.

My problem is that I spent my vote points on extremely difficult issues for solving and I don't think they're getting returned anytime soon :(
I +1'd, but yea, I agree that many people don't care a lot. However, 100% working quests would make Kronos awesomeness more visible. That's because, as already been said, "little" mechanics & dungeon bugs aren't obvious at all, so Kronos superiority in this aspect isn't obvious.
I understand what you guys are saying about how the quests while leveling are not that important and i agree to an extent. I think i should have made it clearer in my original post but really what i am pushing for with this suggestion is to have an indisputable and very visible feature of Kronos that is unique to our server. The first thing that came to my mind was 100% quest completion is all.
Any other suggestions that would satisfy the criteria of being highly visible and unique to Kronos that could be used as a selling point?
His point isn't so much "oh 100% quests completion. Lets go out and enjoy them all". But rather from a marketing standpoint; if a server has all quests working properly, surely this must speak volumes in regards to the overall quality of the server, right? I mean, if they spend so much time on simple quests, think of the raids, the pvp! :w00t: The rest speaks for itself.
You can give out free fillet mignon right arround the corner and players would still stick with burger king.
Afaik this is solved already Spazz. I did the quest with my nightelf hunter and had no problem from start to finish.
Btw, the advetising was with the ending event of the quest, not the middle part.
how recently did you do it? havent been on all that much recently but I've been seeing questions about it not working for weeks now. I've been avoiding it, myself.

why advertise something as working when it isnt, regardless of the chain? I mean, how can you even reach the 'fixed' part if you can't complete an earlier quest?

It doesn't make sense.
GM can add quests and test them seperately. Also the server was restarted several times a day while testing.
Chances that a tester runs into this problem was minimal. How do I know? I was tester myself and I couldn't find a problem with the chain. Did it at least 2 times before launch.
Anyways, thats not the point here.

Sure its cool to have something outstanding to show. Anything that seperates Kronos from other servers in a good way is worth mentioning. I still don't see having 100% quest content working as a major selling point for any realm. Working raids and PvP mechanics on the other hand are what most people are looking for.
For reference -> the unreasonable obsession with Naxxramas

BWL is something where Kronos can try to outshine others.
how recently did you do it? havent been on all that much recently but I've been seeing questions about it not working for weeks now. I've been avoiding it, myself.

why advertise something as working when it isnt, regardless of the chain? I mean, how can you even reach the 'fixed' part if you can't complete an earlier quest?

It doesn't make sense.

Missing diplomat works until someone dies to (and maybe runs from) Dashel Stonefist. If you don't finish the fight with him he bugs and can't be interacted with. Apparently people screw up this fight pretty often.

For me, I opened a ticket and a GM killed him. When he respawned, I was able to fight him and continue with the quest.
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