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    TwinStar team

Ac forun post

My only issue is you basically copy pasted the default original info and it makes the realm look like it's an up and coming new swing at the vanilla server thing, when in actually we are on the verge of BWL and have a decent number of guilds fully geared in T1 waiting to jump in.

I would have demonstrated a little bit more substantiality in that thread so people know the server is already quite well established but your advert just comes off as very green.
Maybe those kind of things should be done by someone with better english.
Good intention but very poorly done. That thread should be deleted and the staff behind Kronos should organize themselves to write a new one, make it pweety, add screenshots, provide links to all additional utilities and future plans.

Its current appearance resembles someones private pocket project. And I think this server is above that, don't you?
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