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    TwinStar team

Add Section to Rules Elaborating on Blindspotting/Safespotting


Apr 22, 2016
I'd like to clarify the difference between "blindspotting" and "safespotting"

Blindspotting is when a player engages others from a spot where guards don't patrol or outside of their range. This is allowed, mentioned in a post from a while back:
The biggest change that will likely affect the most players is that blindspotting in neutral towns is no longer punished in any way. We were unhappy with punishing players for things most in our team saw as trivial and have thus reconsidered our philosophy in this regard. Additionally the guards in the four Steamwheedle Cartel cities now have their intended ranged attack that includes a small knockback, which they will use should they not be able to reach players through normal pathfinding. While guards at Light’s Hope Chapel and in Cenarion Hold do not have this ability, we believe that blindspotting in these places is not nearly as much of a problem since these are high level zones and both offer enough spots to use LoS against potential attackers as well as the possibility to move to a spot where you cannot be attacked without receiving guard assistance.
I agree with this, but...

Safespotting is a form of blindspotting, but requires more to be called that. It's generally when a player gets up to an obscure spot, such as on top of a building or on an AV bunker. This prevents both npcs and players from being able to respond to them; they can get out of LoS whenever they please and pick off players trying to make the climb to wherever they are (if the players even know how they got up there in the first place). Players who safespotted in vanilla retail consistently received bans, and I agree with that policy. However, I haven't found anything specifically addressing it from Kronos staff, and a ticket I submitted for someone offending got an "under investigation" response - not really confirming whether it's against the rules.

My suggestion is to clarify the policy on all this with a new section in the rules, that blindspotting is allowed, and (hopefully) that safespotting isn't.
Both are allowed in cities at this time. When we revisit the rules as part of our agenda for one of our next team meetings, we'll discuss potentially rewording/clarifying the rule
Ok, so, should we report players that kill players while they're standing next to guard in the middle of Light's Hope Chapel area, or that's legit way of farming honor now?
Ok, so, should we report players that kill players while they're standing next to guard in the middle of Light's Hope Chapel area, or that's legit way of farming honor now?

aah, that good ole' tree stump everyone is using, I hope it gets fixed or gets updated in the rules.
Ok, so, should we report players that kill players while they're standing next to guard in the middle of Light's Hope Chapel area, or that's legit way of farming honor now?
Nah, that's allowed. It's considered clever use of the guards' mechanics. (though maybe a tweak in their pathing would be nice in that specific case)

The main reason I made this thread is the safespotting question. If someone ledge jumped on top of the LHC building itself and started attacking people....that's the kind of thing I'm worried about.
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