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    TwinStar team

AQ release


Jan 15, 2009
I would like to know, how do you plan to open AQ raids. Will it be opened from the moment the AQ gate opens? And if you plan it this way, can you consider to change it to some time after gate opens?

I'm member of guild, that will compete for server first kills in AQ and I would like to experience the opening event. However, I'm sure, that if AQ raids will be availible from the moment you ring the gong and gate opens, that all the top guilds will come up with some way to avoid the NPCs that should guard the entrance and enter AQ inmediately.

It will be nice to make some condition, like killing all elites at the gates or wait few hours before you can enter AQ raids.
Do you expect to raid for 10 hours straight?

If not the event is still going on when ur done raiding. Whats the problem?
I vote leave it as it is. If people are so concerned about server first killing a 10 year old raid, good for them, but they have to chose.. Play the event as it is meant to be played (killing the Anubisath and Qiraji) or sneaking into the dungeons.. I quote:

"The most immediate effect, of course, is that the Gates of Ahn'Qiraj will open and powerful monsters and bosses will begin pouring out. General Rajaxx appears, along with a number of very large Anubisath and Qiraji epic monsters that the combined player and NPC armies must defeat. Once this is done, raiding guilds can proceed into the 20- and 40-man instances at their leisure."

It claims: once this is done, as if it would be impossible to skip it..
Although I played the event 10 years ago myself I don't remember if it was possible to skip the war and rush into aq40. But then again everything was new for us and obviously we didn't expect to clear it in one day, or week, so we were not concerned about any delay. I think it took us 2 weeks to get past Battleguard Sartura...

So chose: Do you want to kill some boss first or do you want to find the first Teebu?

(during the 10 hour war, various boss Qiraji are supposed to drop various boe epics)
I raid with ignorant Americans. Is there a chance you can delay the opening of AQ40 until around 3am server time so we can get SERVER WORLD FIRSTS?
Maybe you guys didnt realize but you can get to AQ20/40 gates without problem while the lore event is happening, in fact several people were locked in there when the first person did event. Maybe some of them bleeding edge hardcore top performing guild members already got warlocks there to skip the Opening Event, lol.
I just thought that it would be shame to spoil such epic event by race for first kills.
Just imagine it.

United armies of the Horde and the Alliance gathered at the Ahn'quirai gates.
The greatest heroes of both factions stand bravely in the first line.
The gong is rang.
The gate opens.
Silthid armies pour out of the gates.
Brave heroes charge to face them....
But wait, the heroes just pass the invading army!
What are they doing?
Ah.. they give a s**t about Azeroth, they go for server first kills.
Actually, yea, if it's possible to skip the event and enter AQ's just after the gong ring - I'd released AQ's the next day or something. After the dust settles ya know.
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