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    TwinStar team

Bears and wolfes in Elwynn Forest vanilla never slept


New Member
Jun 9, 2015
I see that a lot of wolves and bears in Elwynn Forest are "sleeping" this is not correct at all and should be fixed =)
I hope it doesn't get "fixed" as it changes nothing in the game mechanics and gives a nice visual addition to the game.
Yea, it's Kronos-only feature. If you report it in appropriate way (via vanilla-twinhead.twinstar.cz) - it would most likely get "Won't Fix" status, cause it's a nice feature which doesn't harm anyone :)

P.S. The only other "intended ingame bug" here is 5g respec cost cap.
For previous discussions on the matter see :

Archive : Elwynn's sleeping wolves : an inside job ?
Prooflink request

(Chero, 24.October 2014) There are several proven creatures that should sleep at night, http://www.wowhead.com/npc=50838#screenshots

It might be true that these all are only exceptions, however it looks very nice and improves overall ambience a lot and does not affect any game mechanism.

Side note : Where's the evidence that they did / didn't sleep at night back in 2006? To define something as a bug some reference is to be found and while memory and feelings/beliefs are references, they aren't very reliable.
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I see that a lot of wolves and bears in Elwynn Forest are "sleeping" this is not correct at all and should be fixed =)
You are right, they never slept. You won't see it "fixed" though. As someone already mentioned it doesn't change anything game related and just adds a bit of flavor to the world. It looks more alive this way.
No harm done and a nice visual addition. Chero simply implemented it cause he like it :tongue:, so do I.
Fix it please it is unBearable to play with this
btw i love it - it is easier to kill them because they are sleeping so i can hit them few times before they wake up hh
There's a lot of unnecessary flame in this thread when all he was trying to do was help make the server more blizzlike, jeez.
There is a little issue with one of the wolf types not having a sleep animation. Maybe remove the sleep effect from them, otherwise I'm all for it.
As suggested above,

could you not compromise, retaining the /sleep animation but removing the "ZZZ"?
Does it realy bother you so much? Do you hate animals or why you don't want wolves have their few hours of sleep as well?

Seriously, it's just graphical feature that adds into game feeling, that night is more than just darker sky. That it realy is a time when denizens of Azeroth rest.
I agree with Aieris, it's a really cool addition.

If you're this picky about private servers i'd suggest playing retail if you're striving this much towards blizzlike perfection.
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