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    TwinStar team

BG Queue Adjustments.


New Member
Apr 7, 2015
Found some patchnotes on wowpedia and would like to share in case it is not known and i think it is not that common and might be of use for devs:

When queuing for multiple specific battlegrounds, players can now enter and complete battlegrounds without losing their place in any queues for other battlegrounds. As soon as the player is invited to join a battleground, any other battleground queues are suspended until the player has completed the battleground or declined the invitation. However, the player's place in any other queues is maintained, which often means that upon completing a battleground the player will immediately be invited to join any other battlegrounds they were queueing for. Previously, entering any battleground would remove the player from all battleground queues.

Battleground matchmaking for premades has been tightened, so it is more likely that a premade will meet a group with similar gear. This can result in longer queue times for premades.

The new battleground matchmaking system is now implemented and active. This system allows the battleground to select teams of similar equipment quality and organizational level to battle each other. For now, the system will be very forgiving about creating matchups in order to keep queue times low. However, the parameters will be adjusted as necessary when more organized teams become active in the battlegrounds.

Queue Adjustments do not matter whether its Vanilla or not, whether its Blizzlike or not, it is not visible and doesnt break Blizzlike experience if its done in a way that makes Battlegrounds enjoyable for everyone.

Kronos already has implemented a case which is from 4.3.0.

Previously, entering any battleground would remove the player from all battleground queues.
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