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    TwinStar team

Bodies do not stay long enough


New Member
Aug 1, 2016
Hello! In retail when a person was killed if they did not resurrect their body would be visible until they resurrect. The body should stay until they resurrect saying "corpse of somebody", but it is not so currently on the server. This is very important to world pvpers, it takes away from the experience if you do not implement this. When a city is raided a few hours later you cant even tell anything happened, it is kind of lame. There should be corpses still lying around. :(
Wat da fuk, ofc corpses stay until ressing... When you die your corpse will stay until there is a server restart or you take rez...

Maybe the person in question took Spirit Rez and said goodbye to your hardcore world pvp adventures?
Wat da fuk, ofc corpses stay until ressing... When you die your corpse will stay until there is a server restart or you take rez...

Maybe the person in question took Spirit Rez and said goodbye to your hardcore world pvp adventures?

Listen to the MAN.
Wat da fuk, ofc corpses stay until ressing... When you die your corpse will stay until there is a server restart or you take rez...

Maybe the person in question took Spirit Rez and said goodbye to your hardcore world pvp adventures?
No they dont, on retail my corpse could stay in orgrimmar for days, right now if I suicide in the main city when I go to bed, and log another char when I wake up, my corpse is gone, other ppl cant see it.
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