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Priest Bunneh's Raiding Shadow Priest Guide


New Member
Apr 3, 2015

I. Raiding Spec
II. Consumables
III. Gear
IV, Enchants
V. Addons
VI. Rotation
VII. Stat priorities
VIII. Spellpower to DPS Conversion

I. Raiding Spec


Link to Talent Spec

I have raided as a few shadow specs and through trial and error, I currently think that this one has the highest output overall. I'll address why I chose certain talents below.

1. Why Spirit Tap over Blackout? They're both fairly useless, but if you can time Mind Blast just right on an add, you can reap the benefits of Spirit Tap on bosses. I only really use this on infernals/constructs on Nef. Choose Blackout if you ever want to pvp; you're not losing hardly anything here dps-wise.

2.Why 5/5 Improved Mind Blast? Ideally in your rotation you want to be able to cast 2 Mind Flays then a Mind blast. On some fights your Mind Flay is pushed back, so I've found that it's actually really nice to have 5/5 Improved Mind Blast. After trying it out, I definitely think it's a bigger overall dps increase than the regen gained from 2/5 Mental Agility.

3. Why no improved Vampiric Embrace? Since there are only 16 debuff slots available in raids, there really isn't room for VE on bosses. Also, it causes a TON of extra threat (especially when combined with MB).

4. Why Unbreakable Will over Wand Specialization? These are both not incredibly useful, but I realized that rank 1 MF ticks for like 250 and hardly uses any mana, so it seems way more useful to use that on Nef than to wand. Even with Wand Specialization my wand only hits for ~100, so I decided to take Unbreakable Will for those random fights where I can be stunned/feared. If you solo a lot, Wand Specialization is pretty nice though!

**Note, you can move one of the Silent Resolve points and the point in Improved Power Word: Shield into Improved Power Word: Fortitude (2/2) if you end up buffing in your raids.

II. Consumables

Consumables are SUPER important to shadow priest DPS. We have awful mana issues and as such, we need to be fully buffed with mana potions and other consumables if we hope to compete with other casters on the DPS meters. I will try to list them in approximate order of importance/usefulness.

DPS Consumables:
Flask of Supreme Power
Major Mana Potion
Demonic Rune
Brilliant Wizard Oil
Elixir of Shadow Power
Greater Arcane Elixir
Mageblood Potion
Nightfin Soup
Cerebral Cortex Compound (optional)
Crystal Force (optional)
Gizzard Gum (optional)

Survivability Consumables:
Greater Fire Protection Potion
Greater Arcane Protection Potion
Rumsey Rum Black Label or Gordok Green Grog
Elixir of Fortitude
Spirit of Zanza (optional)
Lung Juice Cocktail (optional)
Major Troll's Blood Potion or Mighty Troll's Blood Potion (optional)

I know what you're thinking, "my god those are a ton of consumables! How will I afford that?" If you're strapped for cash, you can skip using the flasks until you farm more gold. You also don't need to use any mp5 comsumables during the fights where you don't oom, which will be most of MC as well as Vael. Alternatively, you can cheap out and use Combat Mana Potions and Superior Mana Potions instead of Major Mana Potions if you're super poor or the fight is short. I would recommend using all those consumables for Nefarian because that fight is extremely long.

These are the consumables I normally bring to a farm ZG/Ony/MC/BWL raid and I haven't ran out yet:


III. Gear


Spellweaver's Turban - General Drakkisath, UBRS
Dark Advisor's Pendant - Vectus, Scholo
Eternal Shoulderguards of Shadow Wrath (+30 spellpower green BoE) or Felcloth Shoulders - Tailor BoE
Archivist Cape of Shadow Wrath - Archivist Galford, Strat or Spritecaster Cape - Houndmaster Grebmar, BRD
Bloodvine Vest - Tailor BoE or Robe of Winter Night - Tailor BoE
Rockfury Bracers - Silithus Quests
Mainhand Weapon(s):
Blade of the New Moon - Immol'Thar, DM West or Scepter of the Unholy - Baron Rivendare, Strat UD
Tome of Shadow Force - AV Exalted
Skul's Ghastly Touch - Skul, Strat Living
Felcloth Gloves - Tailor BoE
Ban'Thok Sash - Arena, BRD
Flarecore Leggings - Tailor BoE or Bloodvine Leggings - Tailor BoE
Maleki's Footwraps - Maleki the Pallid, Scholomance or Bloodvine Boots - Tailor BoE
Songstone of Ironforge - BRD Quest Reward
Rune Band of Wizardry - Lord Valthalak, UBRS
Briarwood Reed - Jed Runewatcher, UBRS
Draconic Infused Emblem (short or medium fights)- General Drakkisath, UBRS
Mindtap Talisman (long fights)- Magister Kalendris, DM West


Spellweaver's Turban - General Drakkisath, UBRS
Choker of the Fire Lord - Ragnaros, MC
Mantle of the Blackwing Cabal - Razorgore, BWL
Cloak of the Brood Lord - Nefarian, BWL
Bloodvine Vest - Tailor BoE
Rockfury Bracers - Silithus Quests
Mainhand Weapon:
Lok'amir il Romathis - Nefarian, BWL
Tome of Shadow Force - AV Exalted
Touch of Chaos - Hakkar, ZG
Ebony Flame Gloves - Ebonroc, BWL
Firemaw's Clutch - Firemaw, BWL
Fel Infused Leggings - Kazzak, World Boss
Snowblind Shoes - Azuregos, World Boss
Band of Dark Dominion - Trash Drop, BWL
Ring of Spell Power (short fights) - Harbinger, Lucifron, Gehennas, Shazzrah; MC
Ring of Blackrock (long fights) - Ebonroc, Flamegore, or Firemaw; BWL
Neltharion's Tear - Nefarian, BWL
Talisman of Ephemeral Power (medium fights) - Golemagg, Magmadar, Garr, Baron; MC
Zandalarian Hero Charm (short fights or fights with lots of dots) - Hakkar, ZG
Shard of the Scale (longest fights) - Onyxia


Spellweaver's Turban - General Drakkisath, UBRS or Tiara of the Oracle - Quest Reward, AQ (long fights)
Choker of the Fire Lord - Ragnaros, MC
Mantle of the Blackwing Cabal - Razorgore, BWL
Cloak of the Devoured - C'Thun, AQ
Jade Inlaid Vestments - Ysondre, World Boss
Rockfury Bracers - Silithus Quest
Mainhand Weapon:
Lok'amir il Romathis - Nefarian, BWL
Tome of Shadow Force - AV Exalted
Wand of Qiraji Nobility - Lord Kri, AQ
Ebony Flame Gloves - Ebonroc, BWL
Eyestalk Cord - C'Thun, AQ or Firemaw's Clutch - Firemaw, BWL (long fights)
Fel Infused Leggings - Kazzak, World Boss
Boots of Epiphany - Vek'lor, AQ or Snowblind Shoes - Azuregos, World Boss (long fights)
Rind of the Fallen God - Quest Reward, AQ
Band of Dark Dominion - Trash Drop, BWL
Ring of Blackrock (long fights) - Ebonroc, Flamegore, or Firemaw; BWL
Neltharion's Tear - Nefarian, BWL
Talisman of Ephemeral Power (medium fights) - Golemagg, Magmadar, Garr, Baron; MC
Zandalarian Hero Charm (short fights or fights with lots of dots) - Hakkar, ZG
Shard of the Scale (longest fights) - Onyxia

IV. Enchants

+8 Spellpower - Libram of Focus

+18 Spellpower - Zandalar Signet of Mojo

Subtlety (AQ) or +5 All Resistance or +15 Nature Resist or +15 Fire Resistance

+4 All Stats

+4 mp5

+30 Spellpower

Shadow Power (AQ) or Riding Skill or 1% Attack Speed (if you wand)

+8 Spellpower - Libram of Focus

Minor Speed

V. Addons

I'll only discuss the super-relevant DPS boosting addons here. There are only 3 and I think they should be mandatory for raiding spriests. Get them.

1. eCastingBar - Replaces your casting bar with a casting bar that adjusts for latency. Essential for maximum MF DPS! Basically you just click another MF when you get to the white line on the casting bar. Don't click it before you hit the line or you'll clip your mind flay and lose DPS.


2. Chronometer - Shows a dot timer above your head so that you know EXACTLY when to reapply SW:p.


3. Classic Snowfall - Casts on key press instead of key release.

VI. Rotation


The shadow priest rotation is fairly straight-forward, but you also have to worry about mana control. I start out every fight by popping my spellpower trinket (Zandalarian Hero Charm) with a SW:p, and if there are multiple boss mobs (just like in most of MC) I will dot absolutely everything that isn't CCd. From there I do a few Mind Flays if I feel that the tank needs to get some more threat, or I can go all out and do a Mind Blast if the tank has a good hold on the boss. After you MB, you do x2 MF. Obviously, you should use your inner focus with Mind Blast. Try to time your innerfocused MB so that it hits when there is an Improved Shadowbolt and/or Nightfall Debuff on the boss for best results.

Therefore your rotation looks something like this: SW:p-MF-MF-MB-MF-MF-MB-etc. Refresh SW:p as soon as it ends then continue the rotation. If you're running low on mana, skip MB and just use SW:p and MF. If you're oom, just use MF when you can to keep up your debuff for the warlocks.

What about mana control? Pop a Demonic Rune as soon as you have ~1500 mana from your max. After that, use a Major Mana Potion when you are ~2500 mana from your max. Continue using these on CD until the boss is dead.

Tip #1: Even if your raid leader says "hold dps at the start," they generally aren't referring to you unless you way outgear your tank or you aren't specced into threat reduction. The faster you start to DPS, the more damage you do for that boss.
Tip #2: For Nefarian, NEVER use Vampiric Embrace. During priest class calls, you can kill your whole group because you are healing them with VE.
Tip #3: Try to become close friends with the druids in your raid because it is really hard to get through long fights such as Nef without an innervate.

VII. Stat Priorities

In general, Hit (to 6% cap from gear)>Spellpower>mp5>Int>Crit>Spirit

Why did I place hit over spellpower? At first, I thought hit was broken on Feenix since I seemed to miss a random amount regardless of what gear I put on. Then I downloaded Recap to track my misses over multiple MCs + BWLs. Lo and behold, in my normal gear with 4% hit I missed a little over 3% of the time, and in my 6% hit gear I only missed 1% of the time. This leads me to believe that hit is working as intended on Feenix, which puts hit back up as a priority for spriests.

How much spellpower is equal to 1% hit? It depends on your dps. If you're doing 300 DPS, 1% more missing will result in a 3 DPS loss on average. 3 DPS is roughly equivalent to 6 spellpower, so at 300 DPS 1% hit is approximately equal to 6 spellpower. At 600 DPS, 1% more missing will result in a 6 DPS loss. At 600 DPS, 1% hit is approximately equal to 12 spellpower. As you can see, hit becomes more valuable as you get more gear. This is purely from a DPS loss standpoint too; you also lose precious mana when you miss.


*Note: This graph is a rough estimate of the value of hit to spellpower.

VIII. Spellpower to DPS Conversion

How much DPS is 1 spellpower in for spriests in raids? (Incoming longish math)

Shadow Word: Pain scales 100%. 1 spellpower (1.0 dmg coefficient)/(24 second duration) = 0.0417x(1- (1.5 second application/24 second duration)) = 0.039 DPS
Mind flay scales 57%. 1 spellpower(.57 dmg coefficient)/3 second cast = 0.19 DPS
Mind blast scales 43%. 1 spellpower(.43 dmg coefficient)/1.5 second cast x (1.5second uptime/6.5 second talented downtime) = 0.066 DPS

Spell coefficient source. These coefficient sources were consistent with my testing outside of IF, except for SW:p. SW:p only scaled 100%, not 120% like Elitist Jerks reported for BC.

Total SW:p + MF + MB = 0.295 DPS without any +dmg modifiers. Add 15% more for shadow weaving, 10% more from talents, and 10% more from curse of shadow. In raids, you will also need to add 20% for improved shadowbolt, but it doesn't have 100% uptime. It is also possible to have the 15% nightfall debuff.

.295(1.15)(1.1)(1.1) = 0.41 DPS and up to 0.41(1.2)(1.15) = 0.57DPS

TL;DR 1 spellpower adds anywhere from 0.41 DPS to 0.57 DPS for shadow priests with normal raid shadow + spell vulnerabilities.
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