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    TwinStar team

Character Re-customize/race change for donation?


Mar 29, 2015
So for me this may be a bigger issue than it would be to most people but I'm super miffed that there is no option to donate for the ability to change aesthetic features on our characters. Even on retail I would visit the barbershop daily, and I even race changed a few times to try out racial combos or just even for a change of pace. I foresee that many others like me would use this feature purely for their own convenience, you can keep faction changes away to prevent faction balance issues, but I think it would cause no harm to allow us to give you money for at the least face/hair changes which I feel many folks would use. Some people can feel like they made a mistake on their character or didn't like the way it looked with certain armor or raid gear they're in, some folks feel a sense of refreshment being able to look at a new face/race than they've been looking at for a long time.

If you think it could be abused then just make it relatively expensive so that only people who very clearly need and want a make-over will get it. You could also have a cool down similar to the name change.

I don't know how to imply that this feature is uber necessary or anything but let's just say I'd probably be throwing a lot more money than I have at Kronos if these functions were available.
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I *could* agree on this... only for a substantial price in Stars though (like 2000 Stars or so for a single recustomization/race change).

No faction change, ever.
Can gnomes get surgery to become 24/7 tauren model? =D could be a breakthrough non-blizlike 360 noscope feature Kronos only best server
While I m 100% against paid faction change, it boggles the mind why such a feature(cosmetic/race change) is not implemented even since launch. Moneys which are important for the server and it's future, happier aka more loyal players and I really doubt it ll be so much trouble without achievments and other incompatible stuff to implement.

Even I know at least 2-3 players that would race change if that was the case even if it d cost 10-20 euros, I m one of them too...
The admins stated several times that it currently is not top priority because it is not so easy to do in the vanilla client. Currently they focus on the near ZG release. They have not said that this feature will never come but if they implement it they want to integrate it somehow automated. They know about the "make a lvl 1 and copy stuff on it" but that takes alot of manual laber for a developer.
I admit my knowledge about this stuff is kinda limited but still, it's not like they ll develope stuff from scratch, just swap some values around. And as mentioned it won't be free either...
You could move everything, including level, items and what not, to another character quite easily. The problem are exceptions to the rules like items that only 1 faction/race can get, quests or progress with reputation with PvP factions etc.
We intend to develop such feature, that offers race/faction/gender/facial changes.

However, it requires to develop an environment, where you can see your character (like a 3D model used in armory), with buttons and stuff. We don't intend to do such character modifications by GMs. We want to make it fully automatic not requiring anyone from our team. thegm963, you seem to have a quite limited imagination. It's not that easy as you think.

We definitively do not want to make faction/race changes as other servers do, where you create a level 1 character and a GM copies your gear. That's just unprofessional, time consuming and kinda retarded.

Let us suprise you.
You could move everything, including level, items and what not, to another character quite easily. The problem are exceptions to the rules like items that only 1 faction/race can get, quests or progress with reputation with PvP factions etc.

That's a bit counter productive. As said I am not aware of mechanics of the process on retail even, but I doubt you create a character from scratch. There are no race specific items, quests or reps, its only the model and racial attributes that should be changed...
We intend to develop such feature, that offers race/faction/gender/facial changes

I'm totally against any faction change option. Long as A:H ratio is even, everything is ok... but as soon as important unbalance should appear, faction change is the feature that could speed up that trend, as players are more likely willing to pay to join the side that is gaining the upper hand, rather than the other way around to try and help even out the disproportion. I can't imagine anything else that can kill our server, or deal the death blow to PvP.

Just my thought, of course, but please think twice before deciding you really want to implement this. Maybe official polls and inquiring the player base would help.
Faction change would increase PvP.
I get more BGs on alliance in 2 days then I get on horde in an entire week.
Race and faction change are new WoW garbage mechanics. If you want to be lazy and go against Vanilla WoW, you should go play on a future version where these mechanics are from, rather than degrade the quality of Vanilla WoW, bringing it down to new WoW's lazy crap standards. Making excuses about how it would benefit something doesn't matter, who cares, go on crap new WoW then. I hope the "intention" of adding these features on the admin/dev's part is changed to never adding it.
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Faction change would increase PvP.
I get more BGs on alliance in 2 days then I get on horde in an entire week.

That sounds extremely relative to make a sample worth considering for something so major. Assuming the majority of players would switch to the larger faction on the first hardships, is definitely something we can more easily agree upon. Because people that simply and selfishly want to go where the grass is greener, will always be more than those willing to sacrifice themselves for the sake of balance.

Let's not forget there's the Character Auction House in place already, as well as Trade Auctions.

IMHO, if they really want to add faction change, they should make it so that it would be limited to 1 use per account (once-in-a-lifetime, in a word), and only in favour of the faction that is smaller in size - e.g. whenever A:H ratio should widen beyond 55%-45%. This way, both balance and player reputation (key features in a vanilla environment) would still be safeguarded.
Well, from my experience from other Twinstar realms, when you allow faction change, players that want to win BGs will switch to the stronger faction, which will cause longer queuees for this faction and hardcore PvPers will switch to the weaker faction to have instant BG pops. That pulls those who want easy wins to this faction and that maintains overall balance.

Also, I'm sure that if faction change should cause high imbalance, Devs can disable it for one faction to restore some balance.
I'm a player whom racechanged sometimes on another server and I really support racechanging/genderchanging cus sometimes you get bored of your character and a new look on a character makes it more fun sometimes and/or if you maybe regret the look you chose before.

Tho faction changing I actually wouldnt + for since each side is already quite balanced, only IF some faction would decrease in population significantly then you can implement it for some time to restore the balance but only in emergency situations in my opinion.
The trade option is already a good option for "faction changing" since it trades 1 player to Horde and 1 player to Alliance so its no loss for the factions in population.
Faction and race changes are no vanilla blizzlike things, plus they would probably bring no significant money for the server due to the low cost such a service would have. I'm personally against this. IMHO, of course.
only IF some faction would decrease in population significantly then you can implement it for some time to restore the balance

This would probably backfire as raiders from the weakened faction would switch to the larger one for easier raiding.
This would probably backfire as raiders from the weakened faction would switch to the larger one for easier raiding.

Keep in mind that I mean it would only be possible for the faction suffering.

p.s As I can see just now its 39% on Horde & this could be a good time to implement it.

p.p.s Aurigon so is the whole trading and buying system I mean if we can have that we could atleast have race/genderchanging and faction changing when it gets rough for ONE faction.
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We intend to develop such feature, that offers race/faction/gender/facial changes.

However, it requires to develop an environment, where you can see your character (like a 3D model used in armory), with buttons and stuff. We don't intend to do such character modifications by GMs. We want to make it fully automatic not requiring anyone from our team. thegm963, you seem to have a quite limited imagination. It's not that easy as you think.

We definitively do not want to make faction/race changes as other servers do, where you create a level 1 character and a GM copies your gear. That's just unprofessional, time consuming and kinda retarded.

Let us suprise you.
Then for a start, you could add a very simple .php page in the "account management" section that allows changing hair and facial hair. You don't need full 3d rendering for this, even a simple screenshot for each possibility would do. You can save these changes in a separate database, one for each character and limit them to, say, one per week per character. Then you can add them to the actual server whenever is convenient. It doesn't have to be an ingame barbershop, is what I'm saying.
I was gonna start a thread just for this! Re-customization would be awesome for donation reward. I'm not an advocate for faction change but certainly re-customization- given that you auction other peoples characters- would allow for you to make it your own- or as others have mentioned- sometimes you just get tired looking at the same avatar after awhile and a face lift can freshen up your gameplay! +1
Regarding faction change, I support this. But in my opinion, it should open ONLY towards the weaker faction, until they are even. So if the realm has 40% Allies and 60% Horde, one could only move from Horde to Alliance until both Alliance and Horde reach 50%.

The faction change feature could again be re-enabled when a certain faction reaches 55% (or even 60% if 55% sounds small), as an increase of 5% would not be easily abused by people who would otherwise just create a few accounts on their faction to justify a minor imbalance, thus a reason to re-open the faction change.
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