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    TwinStar team

Chat Moderators


Jul 8, 2016
Hi there. I am playing on Kronos II, my name is Dayick.
I have a suggestion. :) Was talking about it with one GM(I will not appoint him) and he said me it's not so bad idea, go try write it on suggestions at forum. So, I'm here.

Sometimes no GM is online and there are all the time some goldsellers on world chat. Flamers from time to time..Coloring text. Racist spam etc.
If we can have some volunteers who can help GMs when they are not online, with simple moderating chat, can help to avoid this problems. I adhere as first and i thing I'm not last. Some GMs know me, I reporting breaking server rules often. For sure it can't be only one person with that rights to avoid some abusing from his side. So maybe ten, twenty active peoples who can have /mute, /kick rights will help. They can watch each other about following rules.

I was reading server rules very thoroughly and there is paragraph about this:

It is prohibited unreasonable to ban or kick a world channel , or other misuse of the powers allocated . To eliminate any spam use the MUTE .

If there is this paragraph, I have to ask myself: "Why is no moderators here?"
It can help in my opinion. GMs will have more time for more important things.
And players will be honored they can participate with making server better place. At least in my case.

Thanks for think about it.
Have a nice day.

The one time I posted "teper eto russki 4at" around a week ago I got warned by a GM to stick to english 15 seconds after I posted, I'm not kidding as I was amazed myself when it happened.
I agree with this to an extent. The extent being that the volunteer moderators only be allowed to mute/kick gold sellers or people spamming walls of the same text over and over again.
Could see this working out. Moderators would have to file reports for the actions taken though, which GM's would review to ensure that it was fair.

A few things though
.-No special privileges besides those needed for chat moderating
.-Would need regular communication with the GM team (Possibly trough a shared Discord)
.-Would need to be handpicked by the Assistant/Head Gamemaster
.-Would need to have a clean account history.
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such things always have 2 sides. it can be good in the right hands, but bad in the wrong ones. so youll either have to be very very careful at picking moderators, or only give them very limited power. e.g. max 24h chat bans. or only bans for certain public channels

another possible way is to not select moderators, but select a jury. its a somewhat bigger group (maybe 20?) of trustworthy ppl. but unlike moderators, they cant chat ban on their own. atleast 3 of them have to request a chat ban for a person to take effect. this way 1 person cant go full ****** and abuse his right like normal moderators can.
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Only responsible players ofc
Choosen Mods are permanent. (for example that 20ppl)
Yeah I am not against maximum 24Hours mute.
No there is no needed screenshot evidence for Mod's mute. Mute is not ban. If you think you was muted unjustly, you can still take screenshot and report Mod to GM. If 3+ unjustly mutes from one Mod, Mod lost his rights and new Mod will be found. That player also loses chance to be Mod anytime in future.
He can gets ban for few days as "reward" for rights abuse what is against the rules.
I dnt think you really want to mute someone unjustly if you gets 3 days ban for example.
So this is fuse against abuse.

("It is prohibited to unreasable mute player or kick him from world channel or other misure of the powers.")
ALL players can still report mod for abuse rights as that paragraph says.

Maybe you ask who will be volunteer for this job if he risk ban for few days if he abuse.
Answer is: Only fair players.

I think GM should inform Mod if he gets authorized report for abuse.
In style: 1st report warning, 2nd report second warning, 3rd report lost rights ban for 3 days and never can be Mod again. Ofc Mod can anytime resignate on his function. In cause of this, he can never be Mod again.
(Example: Mod thinks he do right, but gets reported and GM decides to give him first warning. He is afraid of gets ban in future so he can decide to resignate and give chance to another player to be Mod.)

I am against that idea you need at least 3 mods mute to mute player.
(If only one online, you cant still do nothing. So it doenst matter if you are waiting for GM, or for another mods)
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Should remove anything from world chat except trade, lfg, guild ad. so none gets hurt. and u cant do this wrong.
Sacrificing normal conversations, surely everybody would agree with this except the toxic shifahsdf'ers
Hi there. I am playing on Kronos II, my name is Dayick.
I have a suggestion. :) Was talking about it with one GM(I will not appoint him) and he said me it's not so bad idea, go try write it on suggestions at forum. So, I'm here.

Sometimes no GM is online and there are all the time some goldsellers on world chat. Flamers from time to time..Coloring text. Racist spam etc.
If we can have some volunteers who can help GMs when they are not online, with simple moderating chat, can help to avoid this problems. I adhere as first and i thing I'm not last. Some GMs know me, I reporting breaking server rules often. For sure it can't be only one person with that rights to avoid some abusing from his side. So maybe ten, twenty active peoples who can have /mute, /kick rights will help. They can watch each other about following rules.

I was reading server rules very thoroughly and there is paragraph about this:

It is prohibited unreasonable to ban or kick a world channel , or other misuse of the powers allocated . To eliminate any spam use the MUTE .

If there is this paragraph, I have to ask myself: "Why is no moderators here?"
It can help in my opinion. GMs will have more time for more important things.
And players will be honored they can participate with making server better place. At least in my case.

Thanks for think about it.
Have a nice day.



Increase lvl-req to 20 and goldspam WILL COMPLETELY stop. No need for moderators.
and what do you dream of at night?

I wasnt saying it would stop all goldspam in all channels. It will however stop all goldspam in /world specifically. This has been shown on many other private realms who put a much higher lvl-req.
I demand that we completely ban everyone from ever speaking in world channel, this way there will never be any goldseller spam. /s
alena I have no feeling I'm asking twice. Same as I have no feeling u are Gurky or Davros.
If you want you can write here constructive critism or nothing. Thanks
alena I have no feeling I'm asking twice. Same as I have no feeling u are Gurky or Davros.
If you want you can write here constructive critism or nothing. Thanks

lol as i said this has already been discussed, learn to search the forums

<<<spoonfeeding you>>>

you have to become a gm to moderate public chats
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Gurky and myself have enough GMs whose logs we have to monitor on a weekly basis to ensure that our strict rules are being followed. Adding moderators to that would be even more work on our plate which means less time for loot issues and other head GM tickets.

Further to that, adding mods would only result in players complaining that these players are abusing their powers etc.. As it is members of the GM team have been harassed when they step in, and I'm afraid it would only be worse for Mods.

As GMs, we have a lot of responsibilities and this means that we don't always have eyes on world chat. This is why we have the Black List forums, which allows our community to be our eyes when we're not around. If someone is breaking the rules, you can report them there with the proof and we'll be happy to investigate further and take appropriate action.

If there are specific players that are worse than others, the ignore button is the best way to go.
My favorite moment of world chat was when I got muted while leveling in EPL.

I was actively helping somebody attempting to use world to sell a BoE weapon by pointing out why it was better than he thought so he could get more money out of it as he thought it might be vendor loot and having a convo in world about it with others.

While doing so I was questing on mobs that put a debuff on you that makes you speak Demonic.

I got muted because as I'm trying to help this person and contribute to the convo the buff would get put on me right when I'd hit Enter.

Mute for "roleplaying".

Guild almost shit themselves laughing while the community thought I was trying to troll world chat.

Still makes me laugh when I bring it up :)
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