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    TwinStar team

Chronometer times wrong?


New Member
Apr 26, 2016
Hey I am trying to use Chronometer for my rogue's Slice and Dice timing but I noticed that the times are not correct- my buff lasts much longer than what Chronometer shows (perhaps due to talents?)

Is there any way to fix this? Or a specific version I should be using? I love the look of Chronometer.
Just edit the lua. It's pretty simple actually. Even with no programming skills at all, it is quite easy.
Here's the actual rogue file... Any ideas what I would change? Not sure.

--<< ====================================================================== >>--
-- Setup Timers --
--<< ====================================================================== >>--
local BS = AceLibrary("Babble-Spell-2.2")
local L = AceLibrary("AceLocale-2.2"):new("Chronometer")

function Chronometer:RogueSetup()
local _, eclass = UnitClass("player")
if eclass ~= "ROGUE" then return end

self:AddTimer(self.SPELL, BS["Adrenaline Rush"], 15, 0,1,1)
self:AddTimer(self.SPELL, BS["Blind"], 10, 1,0,0)
self:AddTimer(self.SPELL, BS["Blade Flurry"], 15, 0,1,1)
self:AddTimer(self.SPELL, BS["Cheap Shot"], 4, 1,0,0)
self:AddTimer(self.SPELL, BS["Distract"], 10, 0,0,0)
self:AddTimer(self.SPELL, BS["Evasion"], 15, 0,1,1)
self:AddTimer(self.SPELL, BS["Expose Armor"], 30, 1,0,0)
self:AddTimer(self.SPELL, BS["Garrote"], 18, 1,0,0)
self:AddTimer(self.SPELL, BS["Gouge"], 4, 1,0,0, { d={tn=BS["Improved Gouge"], tb=0.5} })
self:AddTimer(self.SPELL, BS["Hemorrhage"], 15, 1,0,0)
self:AddTimer(self.SPELL, BS["Kick"], 5, 1,0,0, { ea={[L["Kick - Silenced"]]=1} })
self:AddTimer(self.SPELL, BS["Kidney Shot"], 1, 1,0,0, { d={rs=1, cp=1} })
self:AddTimer(self.SPELL, BS["Riposte"], 6, 1,0,0)
self:AddTimer(self.SPELL, BS["Rupture"], 8, 1,0,0, { d={cp=2} })
self:AddTimer(self.SPELL, BS["Sap"], 25, 1,0,0, { d={rs=10} })
self:AddTimer(self.SPELL, BS["Slice and Dice"], 9, 0,1,1, { d={cp=3, tn=BS["Improved Slice and Dice"], tb=15, tp=1} })
self:AddTimer(self.SPELL, BS["Sprint"], 15, 0,1,1)
self:AddTimer(self.SPELL, BS["Vanish"], 10, 0,1,1)

self:AddTimer(self.EVENT, L["Kick - Silenced"], 2, 1,0,0, { cr="GREEN" })
self:AddTimer(self.EVENT, BS["Mace Stun Effect"], 3, 1,0,0, { cr="GREEN", a=1, xn=BS["Mace Specialization"] })
self:AddTimer(self.EVENT, L["Remorseless"], 20, 0,1,1, { cr="GREEN", a=1, xn=BS["Remorseless Attacks"] })

--self:AddTimer(A.SKILL, C.RIPOSTE, 5, 0,1,1, { cr="YELLOW" })

table.insert(Chronometer.dataSetup, Chronometer.RogueSetup)
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