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    TwinStar team

Other Class decision: tie between several classe. I hope for enlightment! :)


New Member
Jan 25, 2015
G'day folks,

I don't want to annoy you or something but I really have problems deciding on what to play when Kronos releases.
There are plenty of these people I guess. But maybe you guys are still willing to help me. :)
So here it begins, I can't decide whether to play warrior, rogue, Resto(PvE); Enhancement(PvP) or hunter.
My mainfocus will be PvE because I think PvP is rather gimmicky in Vanilla. Alot of fun in openPvP but the ranking system puts me off. I don't think I have the time for high warlord.
Though I will do quite some open PvP from early levels on in STV and later in Tyr's Hand (is this allowed or will people gang up on me like in Vanilla WoW when it was a no-no to gank there).
I have some questions too, otherwise you guys will say:”Play what is fun for you”

Rogue questions:

Will rogues have problems when human stealth detection racial and paranoia or the engineer goggles work properly? Or will they still be good gankers/open PvP chars?

Hunter questions:

1. How are hunter pets in PvE/PvP? I've heard they die rather fast and best thing in raids is to bind LBRS rang 7 howl to aimed shot (?) in order to get the DPS buff. If I send my pet in it gets torn apart and pets like Snarler don't have 100 resistance on everything as it was for a short time on Retail and for a longer time on Feenix.

2. Will hunter's shadowmeld still do immunity against already casted spells in order to avoid nasty nightfall shadowbolts from affliction warlocks? Or will they only “interrupt” casted spells because caster lose target to cast?

Shaman questions:

1. How to gear an enhancement shaman? I've heard nobody will take enhancement shamans into raid because of their jumpy and inconsistent damage output. But how about 5-men dungeons, will be people reject me there too?

2. Are restoration shamans viable healers or are they a liability for raids? On feenix chainhealing is kinda broken therefore they are good healers but are they on a proper scripted vanilla server?

Warrior questions:

At what “item level” will warrior start to be strong? Aracnite reaper and the fun begins or T0ish/pre-raid BiS or even later? I've heard warriors are REALLY gear and healer dependant to become a intimidating enemy.

General question:

I know rogues are awesome in openPvP, hunters aren't bad too. But how enhancement shamans do in openPvP? Can they stand their ground and how will warriors fare? Will they be food without healer or can they be a real threat?

If I have more questions I will add them below in order to get them answered as well. Maybe other people will get some enlightment out of the answers as well.
If you find texts from other sources feel free to copy + paste it or “Let me Google this for you” ;)

Kind regards,

a thrilled future Kronos player
1. Not sure, never played Hunter.

2. I'm pretty sure that u can't "Vanish"/negate casts with Shadowmeld -u can't even Shadowmeld while u'r in combat.

3. I don't think anyone will care too much with having an enhancer in the grp, allthough u would obviously have an easier time finding a group playing a healer (perhaps people would be annoyed of u rolling on gear they need as well).

4. Every Horde raid will have shamans, their heal is just fine + I think everyone loves having a shaman in their grp, no matter the class, their totem buffs r just awesome, especially for melees (gimme dat windfury °O°).

5. When do warriors get strong? I guess u mean for pvp? Oh well, when people aren't geared at the start of the game, and if u'd be running around with full t0 and arcanite reaper u would be recking faces, obviously depends on what your playing against etc.

6. As long as u can play your class in low level pvp ur mostly fine. Shaman windfury proccs are rediculous in low level pvp, your shocks are amazing too, especially earth shock vs casters. Warriors are fine in lowlvl pvp, depends on your skill really. E.g. lvling on feenix 32~, some orc rogue attacks me, like 5 lvl above me. He doesnt have crippling poison on, I kite him, intercept, disarm, he vanishes cheap shot while disarmed, I blow retaliation and kill him. He was bad, or rather i knew my class better than him. /flex :innocent:
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1. You won't have much problems in open PvP, but escaping isn't as easy as on other server. You will have to adapt.

1. Hunters are good in PvP aswell as PvE. For PvP they are amongst the classes with the largest life pool and are therefore hard to kill. In early game they are weak, but get increasingly strong with gear. Pets are all normalized and have no special traits besides attackspeed or abilities.
2. If they cancel incoming spells then this is a bug that needs to be fixed so I wouldn't rely on it.

1. You can gear your enhancement shaman in raids or dungeons without beeing enhancer. If you don't get invited into groups are raids then you should switch your spec. Play the heal bot in PvE and go nuts in PvP.
2. Shamans are good raid healers. X-healing is super easy as the chain heal jumps are "smart" with prioritizing.

There is no such thing as itemlevel in vanilla. Some low level blue items are BiS till endgame. Take Hand of Justice for example. Try to focus on life crit. You won't get much AP preraid anyways. Aim at 5k life and 10% crit from items, or as close as you can get to both of them and you should be fine. This can be achieved by dungeon gear only. The class isn't as gear dependent as most say. Healers aren't a requirement either.

All classes can do well if played right. By that I mean if you focus on its strenghts.
It boils down to what you least wanted to hear. Play whatever you enjoy most. Keep in mind that you usually don't play alone in this game so your class decision should also be based on what your friends or ingame mates roll.
- rogue
You should be able to open on a "paranoid lock" but it shouldnt be as straight forward as "run to target and press cheapshot"
Human racial on the other hand is an active ability with a cooldown, but if the human knows a rogue is there the racial works more like a 5000W light bulb than a candle in the dark...

- hunter
FD -> no shadowmeld -> spell lands
FD -> shadowmeld -> vanish tier spell dodge iirc? need confirm?

- shaman
Shamans are good healers yes, but i wouldn't invite an enhance snowflake to a 5 man even, reason being i can invite someone else and ... have fun competing on dps rather than watching shaman roll need on a "real dps class item"

- warrior
As far as PvE dps goes warrior is a viable with BWL/AQ gear, not really before... some will argue im a "noob" and i need to "l2p", but you can win a dps meter naked against bad competition, i am however comparing a competent warrior and competent [other viable dps class here]

From the "pvp" side of things even a terrible keyboard turning rogue (most) with 40 points in the wrongest (need confirm that this is a real word) will absolutely eat most other classes in "early vanilla gear" in world pvp with the 1.12 talent tree and skill balance...
Prep speced rogue once opened on a bugged 100k hp warrior, some say the warrior is still stunned.
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