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    TwinStar team

Classic Auction System is amazing...I just wish...


Jul 6, 2016
I still can't believe how amazing the code is though. Everything is instant, and is a real-fine job...

I could add a comment or request more information. Some stiff bags, are exactly that. You trade, and they only have 1 skill, rank 2 fireball, no gear, no money and are completely barebone botted faggots.

Also, in the profile viewer (or armory) I'm unable to see current spec. A hefty 1g respec is insane, if I just purchased a level 19+ for $10 and don't want to support the china farmers and buy gold...
All suggestions for web services should be posted to TwinHEAD, i.e. making an issue like you were reporting a bug. (General section, report under "Account manager")
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