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Combining two macros, help needed


New Member
Aug 22, 2014
Needed some help with combining two macros( have hit the 30 macro limit in supermacro so need to save some space).

The way I have setup things is that I have two macros for each healing spell and decurse/remove poison. One macro I have binded to a regular key. And the second macro for the same spell is keybinded to that key+shift.

So would like to try and combine the two and use a shift modifier command. Googled around and found a macro that worked with shift modifier, example macro that works fine:

/run if IsShiftKeyDown() then CastSpellByName("XXXXX()") else CastSpellByName("XXXXX()"); end

Don't know how to type it up though to get it to work for my two macros.

First macro, regular key: (uses lunamo addon command for casting spell, works as mouseover cast):

/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/script SpellStopCasting()
/script if nil then CastSpellByName("Healing Touch(Rank 4)") end
/lunamo Healing Touch(Rank 4)

Second macro, when shift held down:(i use this to have a spammable non stopcasting macro that will take me out from any form, also for when healing a tank and needing to heal myself without losing target)

/script local b,c=buffed,CancelBuff if b("Cat Form") then c("Cat Form") else if b("Dire Bear Form") then c("Dire Bear Form") else if b("Travel Form") then c("Travel Form") else if b("Aquatic Form") then c("Aquatic Form") end end end end
/script UIErrorsFrame:Hide()
/script UIErrorsFrame:Clear()
/target Satchmo
/cast Healing Touch(Rank 4)
/script TargetLastTarget()

Would appreciate it a lot if someone could help me out. Been trying for like an hour now without any success.
I assume there is some kind of function related to /lunamo.

I assume you are Satchmo?

I am not sure if it can be SlashCmdList.LUFMO(name, nil). You gotta try this, else you have to redefine the part of the addon a little.

[B]IsShiftKeyDown() then
local b,c=buffed,CancelBuff if b("Cat Form") then c("Cat Form") else if  b("Dire Bear Form") then c("Dire Bear Form") else if b("Travel Form")  then c("Travel Form") else if b("Aquatic Form") then c("Aquatic Form")  end end end end
CastSpellByName("Healing Touch(Rank 4)");
if nil then CastSpellByName("Healing Touch(Rank 4)") end -- Why did you put if nil then there o.O?
SlashCmdList.LUFMO("Healing Touch(Rank 4)");

Hey, thanks for taking the time to help out. Copied what you had wrote but couldn't get it to work. Didn't recognize it as commands( and yes by the way "Satchmo" is my druids name, tried to use player command first but never got it to work).

Don't have a clue what I would need to do to edit the addon itself. It's way to complicated for me. Don't really know what I am doing when it comes to macros. Mostly when I need to write a macro I just google until I find one that seems similar to what I need and then I just randomly try stuff until I can get things to work the way I want.
Just noticed I did a mistake in the writing. Try this:
[B]UIErrorsFrame:Hide();UIErrorsFrame:Clear(); if IsShiftKeyDown() then local b,c=buffed,CancelBuff if b("Cat Form") then c("Cat Form") else if  b("Dire Bear Form") then c("Dire Bear Form") else if b("Travel Form")  then c("Travel Form") else if b("Aquatic Form") then c("Aquatic Form")  end end end end; CastSpellByName("Healing Touch(Rank 4)");SpellTargetUnit("player"); else SpellStopCasting(); if nil then CastSpellByName("Healing Touch(Rank 4)") end; SlashCmdList.LUFMO("Healing Touch(Rank 4)");end[/B]
Copied and pasted it as you had wrote it but just ended up as /say when I pressed the macro. Tried to add "/"( only thing I could think of) to make it like a command but didn't work.
Copied and pasted it as you had wrote it but just ended up as /say when I pressed the macro. Tried to add "/"( only thing I could think of) to make it like a command but didn't work.

/run UIErrorsFrame:Hide();UIErrorsFrame:Clear(); if IsShiftKeyDown() then local b,c=buffed,CancelBuff if b("Cat Form") then c("Cat Form") else if  b("Dire Bear Form") then c("Dire Bear Form") else if b("Travel Form")  then c("Travel Form") else if b("Aquatic Form") then c("Aquatic Form")  end end end end; CastSpellByName("Healing Touch(Rank 4)");SpellTargetUnit("player"); else SpellStopCasting(); if nil then CastSpellByName("Healing Touch(Rank 4)") end; SlashCmdList.LUFMO("Healing Touch(Rank 4)");end

geiger forgot the /run
ah, hehe I should have been able to figure out that command. Only tried /

Ended up with this error message now:
[string "UIErrorsFrame:Hide();UIErrorsFrame:Clear();if IsShiftKeyDown()..."]:1: unfinished string near `<eof>'
Yeh. This is supposed to be for supermacro isnt it?

This macro has way more than 255 chars thats why you end up with an truncated string and this error.
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