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    TwinStar team



New Member
Aug 23, 2014
This is a long list of Commands that i would like to eventually see in the future as they are all quite possible to do, the hardest would be mute/silence & talent however i am certain with the skill of the Kronos Team it would be a simple matter, players would not need to remember all commands as addons can make the current dropdown menu when right clicking include them or people could use the .help the mute & afk could lessen the burden on game masters once the system is complete and even be used to analyze if a certain sentence is spammed like gold sellers or gold sellers would give up.


.mute "Player Name" & .silence "Player Name" both do the same but it gives a tool to counter Goldsellers now and into the future or toxic trolls spamming the world chat.

Mute/Silencing a player who whispers you will give him a 10 second GM Silence debuff which passes through death, upon gathering 3 stacks they will be dispelled and replaced by 1 Hour GM Silence. the 10 second silence caps at 3 and only one per unique character can be applied.

This system mute/silences from whisper, yell & Channel (world, global & defence) and does only work if reported within 10 seconds of him/her whispering you. reporting a player for /yell or /channel requires 10 stacks before triggering the 1 hour silence however when triggered will issue a report to game master containing the reported player, X seconds of channel chat & time and will then judge if it is nothing or requires a punishment.

note: silence/mute has X hour/min cooldown if succeeded, if it does not go through it will respond with that you did not report within the time frame or that it is on cooldown, if used over X times within X day/hour your cooldown will be extended to 1 week.


.AFK_Player Name after being reported by 5 players inside the same battleground zone you will get the "afk warning" a 60-120 second timer will then begin if you are alive if ghost it wont apply, This timer will disapear if you take damage, deal damage, heal injured ally. capture/recapture flag, move 50 yards away from the location you got afk warned at, release from corpse will also remove the countdown. The moment you are no longer afk it will respond in the chat informing you about it.

Last Online

.Last_Online_Player Name calls for the last logon date of the characters account however will not inform you of the account, this can be used to confirm if you want to remove a player from your ignore or friend list.


.Talent_Player Name displays a twinstar talent calculator link for that player


.Armory_Player Name gives you twinhead armory link of said player
.Quest_Player Name gives you an estimation of quests you have in common like 1/20 is 1 out of 20.
.Experience_Player Name Displays the level and percentage to next level
.Raid_ID_Player Name: displays names of raids that the player is currently saved for and nothing if he is not currently saved for a raid.
.Help if issued by player it will give a list of the above commands, writing .help_afk gives a short explanation for example.

note: some ideas are good while others are bad however they are not impossible the hardest ones to do would be talent, afk & mute however from my own point of view they would be quite interesting and worthwhile having.
Talents are intentionally hidden. AFK/Mute systems are easily exploitable and thus hard to program, they will never happen. On most other issues you can just use addons.
Last Online
.Last_Online_Player Name calls for the last logon date of the characters account however will not inform you of the account, this can be used to confirm if you want to remove a player from your ignore or friend list.

How would that confirm removal from ignore or friend list, and when you remove someone from friends/ignore, his nickname disappears from the friend/ignore list, so why would you even need that?
How would that confirm removal from ignore or friend list, and when you remove someone from friends/ignore, his nickname disappears from the friend/ignore list, so why would you even need that?

Basically if a player has not been online for 3-6 months i would remove him/her from either of the list's however if the person recently came on which i could not see unless online same time then i would know through such a command. The feature to display last online first came much later so in 1.12.1 so the only method is through addon which only registers when someone logs on

Talents are intentionally hidden. AFK/Mute systems are easily exploitable and thus hard to program, they will never happen. On most other issues you can just use addons.

Sad but very true ^^ these are just things i would like to see although they are very wishful i think of the afk/mute to be possible and also very good once made however as said hard & time consuming to make & balance.
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