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    TwinStar team

Connect Phone Number to Account to increase Account Security


Oct 20, 2014
This topic probably got lost in the 'Technical helpdesk' section, but now with the recent events of accounts getting hacked and the announcement of increasing once account security, this should definitely be looked at.

Topic (kudos to Aurigon): http://forum.twinstar.cz/showthread.php/99657-E-mail-change

'While in the Account Manager, clicking the E-mail change option brings you to a page where it reads it's impossible to proceed until you've paired your phone number with your account. Then, after trying entering my number in different ways, none of them seemed to work and an error message that my telephone number is invalid is always displayed. Is the system only supposed to work with phone numbers that have the Czech international prefix (+420 or +421)? How else can we go about changing our email if we're from another country?'

I know this is not an Kronos but an server-wide Twinstar issue.

Since the Kronos team is in constant contact with the Twinstar admins, it would be very nice to get an official statement concerning this issue.
Response from one of the admins of Twinstar:


Yes, the whole systém will be discarded in about 2 months and we will have to figure out a completely new and secure systém, probably some kind of an authenticator.


maybe those ppl should investigate/admit how they got "hacked" first
there were 0 "hacked" players 1 year ago
maybe those ppl should investigate/admit how they got "hacked" first
there were 0 "hacked" players 1 year ago

Well it's not only about account security. You can't even change your E-Mail without setting up a czech number.
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