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    TwinStar team

Current Pvp Situation and possible Solutions

low pop = occasionally premades won't give u 10 min
higher pop = premades will never give u 10 min

either way your fucked

if alliance or horde can't stall the game until 10 min mark against random opponents, and it looks like this is what we're talking about here, then i dont know what to say..
Well I agree many of the ally PUGs are just absolutely bad but is the solution just to weed it out to the cream of crop of ally pugs? We'd have maybe 2 WSGs a day.
Possibly the randoms don't want to bother stalling the game, or even attempt to pick up the other flag. because a 10 min loss is better than a 17 min loss if u dont cap any flags by the end of it anyway. Refusing them the mark for not even trying can force the alliance (or horde) to get their shit together. Sometimes it kills the queue for an hour, but I've seen it work just as often. Im not talking about alliance giving up against horde premades, im talking about them giving up vs horde randoms.

Its just a problem of motivation, and sometimes denying people any other option is exactly the boost they need to turn them around. For example:
A month ago some people were saying the horde premade was "unbeatable", so alliance rankers would boycut bgs and go farm honor from sand instead. Without the rankers to carry, the remaining alliance gave up completely and we had no bgs all of a sudden. People said that taking away this sandhonor was just gonna kill pvp entirely, that alliance "literally CANNOT form a premade" cous nobody wanted to anymore.
What ended up happening was sandhonor was taken away, and the ally rankers realized that all other options were closed. And guess what. Out of the blue appeared alliance premades again and we've had good games since then. It's funny that those guys had been around all along, just waiting for the right time?
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I have only group queued for WSG like twice and without voice chat. It was a waste of time and we ended up fighting and destroying the ally pug group while trying to land a game with the ally premade at that time while they were destroying a horde pug rotation. I almost never premade. IMO the server is not large enough for it. Over the past 6 months, many players on both sides have queued up and either lost to an Arcanum premade or an alliance premade (Capture, Crypton, etc..) only to never queue again. Every week you see some new horde queue up once or twice never to queue ever again. Over time we have pushed enough people away to the point where they don't queue and if they want to play pug vs pug they just goto Nost.

WSG is especially bad for pug vs premade. At least in horde AB pugs (of which we'll only queue when Armazor spams our world chat on a non-weekend) we can get 1 node and made an honor tick or two. You don't even get that in WSG. Same goes for the Alliance. The horde pug in the current meta generally beats the ally pugs because the only people that have stuck around are tenacious enough to deal with the bullshit. Most undergeared horde has been permanently pushed away from the WSG queue so what's left are the horde puggers that are a hair more hungry than their Alliance counterparts and we usually beat them. Overtime I assume its the same with the Allies who were pushed away from the server or the queue earlier on in the history of the server at the previous WSG Horde premades. I don't know but I assume as I've heard enough of it from guys who never pvp anymore or who have quit the server entirely citing wsg enivornmental exploitation or the ugly premade scene in general (RIP Victore, Assistant, Gooche, Khano, Hamasaurus, and many others)

And no offence to anyone trying to premade, its a part of the game and a vital one to staying interested and acquiring raid gear. It's just the population problem has compounded into a pvp ecology that cannot flourish with giant premade animals stomping around the environment crushing the smaller plants and animals - never given a chance to grow or even have fun.

As a shitbag pugger, it is demoralizing to encounter the same seasoned pvpers game after game, knowing full well that there is at least some collusion going on to hasten the progress for the benefit of a select few who will never step foot in a bg once they get whatever gear they're after.

Additionally, I find it hard to believe that with the availability of cross faction toons, that people aren't manipulating the ques. When a game starts at 4/5 vs 8, you can't tell me that just so happens to mean that "people decided not to take the que."

With any luck, the influx of new people within the next month will alleviate some of this, otherwise the vast majority of the "dedicated" pvp community will have effectively shot themselves in the foot.
When a game starts at 4/5 vs 8, you can't tell me that just so happens to mean that "people decided not to take the que."

It means a certain few high ranking horde players are observing the queues on a 2nd account, and if they see the premade just joined, they won't join when the game pops for them, they wait until the casual players fill that game up, and then requeue.
But atleast they come on the forum in defense of those same casuals that they just left for dead 30 minutes earlier, saying how can the premades be so cruel to these poor people.
As a shitbag pugger, it is demoralizing to encounter the same seasoned pvpers game after game, knowing full well that there is at least some collusion going on to hasten the progress for the benefit of a select few who will never step foot in a bg once they get whatever gear they're after.

Additionally, I find it hard to believe that with the availability of cross faction toons, that people aren't manipulating the ques. When a game starts at 4/5 vs 8, you can't tell me that just so happens to mean that "people decided not to take the que."

With any luck, the influx of new people within the next month will alleviate some of this, otherwise the vast majority of the "dedicated" pvp community will have effectively shot themselves in the foot.

Let's hope you're right with your last paragraph.

I jumped in with my blue geared char this weekend. Some games during the weekend were pug vs pug, and they were absolutely amazing fun, just as I'd hoped. I don't care who wins, as long as people play together and at least try to win them. That's the fun part for me. Rest of them, were vs a premade and in most games a bunch of horde just stood around waiting for that 10 min mark (including myself eventually). This might be "lame" or just "giving up", but there's also very little a lot of people can do when you're not decked in raiding gear and get attacked by the cast of Game of Thrones followed by way too many paladins.

I tried my best to avoid this premade, but it becomes near impossible when I think there was a horde premade as well at some point. So, they join with their group, avoid ally premade, take up most of the slots in the games vs ally pug, which then means horde puggers are most likely to end up against ally premade. Some people complained about having done 5 or more games in a row just against premade. So in other words, these games were spent either standing around, or attacking alliance and then getting ganked.

Anyway, I'm not complaining, bitching, whining, crying or anything. I get that this is just vanilla pvp, but I will say that I see very few reasons to do BG's if this is what it's like. I need to go do my pvp somewhere else...wherever the alliance players might be questing/grinding :biggrin:

But, special thanks to people on both sides who wait for that 10 minute mark before ending the game.
It means a certain few high ranking horde players are observing the queues on a 2nd account, and if they see the premade just joined, they won't join when the game pops for them, they wait until the casual players fill that game up, and then requeue.
But atleast they come on the forum in defense of those same casuals that they just left for dead 30 minutes earlier, saying how can the premades be so cruel to these poor people.

Horde rankers pug and try to face a pug, unless nothing else on.
I remember when Horde dodgemade avoided Ned's/Horo's prem like black plague.
I remember ranker sweatshop sand farm to guild and now riding meth horse too.
Wonder who?
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Something has to be done. The PVP situation on Kronos is really disheartening from a Horde perspective. Either we'll face a group of randoms which will provide little to no challenge or we'll face a fully fleshed premade of Tier 2 geared maniacs and Field Marshals who'll floor us in a matter of minutes.

This entire weekend, more or less, the Alliance have been running the same premade in AB, pretty much ruining the experience for the Horde, as well as for other Alliance players who want to que as solo. This kind of behavior, apart from being disheartening to any newcomer of either faction, will only damage the reputation of the server and undermine the possibilities gained by the recent flux in xp.
Is it viable to stay 59 for a while until you get Rank 10? It shouldn't be such a huge shock then to ding 60. Or does it take forever?
This kind of behavior, apart from being disheartening to any newcomer of either faction, will only damage the reputation of the server and undermine the possibilities gained by the recent flux in xp.

1) Remove the possibility to queue as group to battlegrounds.
2) Disable multiqueue to avoid hopping.
3) Failing to accept the battleground queue warrants a deserter debuff.
4) The battleground accept timer is reduced to 30sec.
5) Make sure that no game starts unless there are 10 players from each faction available to join.
6) Remove all bonus honor from nongained objectives if the either faction is at 40% manpower compared to the other.
7) Reduce the ingame AFK timer to 120 sec.
8) Reduce the entry HK down to 1 to increase the calculation pool.
9) Watch the 1% create artifical problems to avoid (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) and (7) from happening, whilst (8) is the best thing they ever heard of.

Wow vanilla is such a complex game.
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I like Soyoen's suggestion:

2) Disable multiqueue to avoid hopping.
3) Failing to accept the battleground queue warrants a deserter debuff.
4) The battleground accept timer is reduced to 30sec.
5) Make sure that no game starts unless there are 10 players from each faction available to join.
7) Reduce the ingame AFK timer to 120 sec.

...for point 1) there could be an option added that will allow group games for people who really like playing premade vs. premade, with some extra anti-exploit-security features (to avoid "win-trading", ..idk^^) and maybe higher rewards...

Also another idea to make individual players power more balanced:
~>add a buff for all players while in battlegrounds that increases their health by X (lets say 1000)
..and another one where they can choose from either +attack power , +healing spells , or +damage/healing spells...

=)> those being fixed values would decrease the importance of gear a little bit....

((after all the most fun games are those where opponents are about equally strong..)) :pirate:
Do not change the queue-system.

A certain server did that and see what happend. Check the drama on their forums.
Specially like the "12.000 players and 45min WSG queue" one.

Rather ban people that force queues with their Alt's or queue with both their Horde and Alliance char in order to get almost empty games...
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