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Other Easiest levelling class?


New Member
Nov 4, 2014
Hey all,
I played pre-BC but never got to 60 to experience end game..it's the reason I have decided to try vanilla servers. Anyway, I was wondering; what was the easiest class to level (while still being useful PvE wise level 60).

I had a warlock on retail servers but I was 13 years old and more concerned with exploring the world and chilling with friends (took me ~8 months to get to level 34). I remember mob killing was way longer than it is now, and you NEED food and drinks to level. I was thinking hunter, pet takes all the aggro?

My thanks.
Yes, Hunter is an efficient leveling class. I've found Warlocks are also very good.
I still haven't chosen what character/role to play aswell. But I'd say that a mage has some decent advantages, such as - teleporting, food/drink making.
Hunter: easy to level up due to pet
Mage: easy to level up due to damage and AOE farming
Warlock: easy to level up and free mount at 40
Warrior is probably the hardest, I died a lot in retail vanilla. Very gear dependent and no real flee strategy or quick restart like vanish, sprint, stoneskin totem, bubble, feign death, frost nova, ankh or soulstone. Vanilla also had three times less graveyards than retail nowadays.
Warrior easiest
8 patches later
Warrior hardest

Go for hunter. Its basically faceroll to 60.
Warriors can be rough early on. So dependent on gear. The positives are that people will constantly whisper you asking to tank instances.
Hunter is by far the easiest, I find at higher levels like 20+ mage becomes very easy and you get free food and water. Warrior, Shaman, and Warlock are also very easy to level. Rogue is easy after level 20.
Hunter is by far the easiest, I find at higher levels like 20+ mage becomes very easy and you get free food and water. Warrior, Shaman, and Warlock are also very easy to level. Rogue is easy after level 20.

ehm, i think you are wrong about something. Warrior leveling is usually considered as the hardest. Yeah, if you know what you're doing its not hard but dont lump warriors together with warlocks. a warrior cant survive more than half the group encounters in lower levels by himself.
1 bad pull an u ded.

also, if the AI is as good as it looks in videos, most warriors are in for a world of hurt.
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Don't try warrior, if you pull more then one creature you die!

How most ppl say, hunter/warlock/mage is good for start
hunter and warlock are best choices, they have pets to tank mobs and low downtime after fight due to not losing too much health/mana or quickly recovering them (prolly applies on mage as well thanks to conjure food/water and high cc capability)
I dont know why ppl say -Rogue is easy to leveling.For me rogue is like paladin/war in leveling=slow.Maybe have some wrong in me :D.
Still wondering what to chose....warlock or hunter...
Beside Hunter ofc, I think Feral Druid is also very very strong and easy as soon as you get your catform. Killing 2-3 mobs and just switch out the form to heal yourself. Rinse and repeat - no regeneration, no waiting, no eating, no drinking. Easy and very fast (and it also does good damage) - I've played a Druid to lvl 60 short before the PRE-TBC patch came out.
The "easy" thing about rogue is, that he can pass many "trash" mobs while leveling. For example, if you are killing bloodsail captains in STV, then you can kill only them while other classes have to fight through whole ship. And you also have CDs that help you escape lost fights which saves you from corpserunning.
But in all other ways, rogue is not easy to level. Lock/hunt/frost mage still rules.
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