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    TwinStar team

Fighting gold sellers


Mar 6, 2015
I suppose one can't stop gold sellers altogether since they just register new sites and level new characters on a daily basis, but one could add instant ban, mute or disconnect when script that changes the color of your text is used. By adding the piece that goes after color code to some filter, that is.

Offer your opinions on gold sellers and possible solutions here.
Imo the biggest problem is that if you want to report someone, the process is terribly annoying and long. You need to take screenshot, upload it, make thread on forum. It takes so much time
There should be a command like /report <name> <reason> and it gets pushed to an online GM with 10+ reports

You could even think about temp ban someone with 10+ reports in an hour. Still, it might be abused.
There should be a command like /report <name> <reason> and it gets pushed to an online GM with 10+ reports

You could even think about temp ban someone with 10+ reports in an hour. Still, it might be abused.

While I like the idea, a) "if something can be abused, it generally will be" is a familiar ideology that does apply, b) I am not 100% sure but such ability may be client side to create, if so then we cannot legally modify the client.
Im not familiar with the technical stuff around WoW client and server side. But wouldnt be this command same like commands on Ares PTR? (.rate x, etc)?
I suppose one can't stop gold sellers altogether since they just register new sites and level new characters on a daily basis, but one could add instant ban, mute or disconnect when script that changes the color of your text is used. By adding the piece that goes after color code to some filter, that is.

Offer your opinions on gold sellers and possible solutions here.

From what I've seen this isn't a good option because:
  • they often use item links for colour purposes
  • and because they use item links we have following problems to solve
    • is this message, valid (how do we define it in the first place)?
    • is the item link malformed (note different wow localization that have different spellings)?

tl;dr too many unknowns to make it work properly

Imo the biggest problem is that if you want to report someone, the process is terribly annoying and long. You need to take screenshot, upload it, make thread on forum. It takes so much time

Personally I always report them if they're spamming built-in/global channels (by that definition world channel is not a global channel) . By filling out Ticket with something similar to
Hello, I would like to report player named X for gold spamming in channel Y
Screencap: link

And since I'm using ShareX taking a screenshot from fullscreen borderless game takes less than 10 seconds

There should be a command like /report <name> <reason> and it gets pushed to an online GM with 10+ reports

You could even think about temp ban someone with 10+ reports in an hour. Still, it might be abused.

While I like the idea, a) "if something can be abused, it generally will be" is a familiar ideology that does apply, b) I am not 100% sure but such ability may be client side to create, if so then we cannot legally modify the client.

Making server command for it would be just grand.
You need to take screenshot, upload it, make thread on forum. It takes so much time

I would like to recommend Gyazo.

Download: https://gyazo.com/de

You just left click once on this Icon once downloaded and your mouse cursor changes and you can hold and drag to capture what u want, let go left click and it uploads automatically and u can copy the link boom. MY new recent favorite thing, PLUS!! it has Gif too !. mark your screen whereever u want, let go, and it records like 10 seconds (Max allowed) and it uploads.

It is so fast, you will be astonished.
Look at my new thread named "Chat Moderators" in "Suggestions". I am thinks about this problem too in there.
Feel free to comment it.

Look at my new thread named "Chat Moderators" in "Suggestions". I am thinks about this problem too in there.
Feel free to comment it.


Or better yet, comment on my thread. Increasing lvl-req on world-chat to 20 will remove ALL goldspam from world.
  1. Click 'print' with the chat window open and the messages you want to report.
  2. Go to imgur.com.
  3. Ctrl+V
  4. Wait for upload
  5. Right click uploaded image -> copy image link
  6. Go ingame, open ticket.
  7. "Goldseller: <name>; Here is a screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/random.jpg"

Takes 20 seconds. I've been doing this for half a year now.
  1. Click 'print' with the chat window open and the messages you want to report.
  2. Go to imgur.com.
  3. Ctrl+V
  4. Wait for upload
  5. Right click uploaded image -> copy image link
  6. Go ingame, open ticket.
  7. "Goldseller: <name>; Here is a screenshot: http://i.imgur.com/random.jpg"

Takes 20 seconds. I've been doing this for half a year now.

This is like shoveling shit against the tide. I maintain the opinion that a lvl-req for world-chat will solve 99% of all goldspam.
This is like shoveling shit against the tide. I maintain the opinion that a lvl-req for world-chat will solve 99% of all goldspam.

We already have level requirements for world chat. Increasing it won't change anything since the spammers have access to plenty of hacked accounts with mid to high level characters.
ED had a level 20 limit to worldchat, it was a pain in the ass for finding RFC/DM/WC groups but it prevented low level alts from spamming worldchat.

But even that wouldnt be enough nowadays, you will have mails from <non-existing character>s, you will get whispers, you will get spammed in general/trade chats. The only way to deal with this bullshit is to bring the hammer down(to the usual suspects, who else?). We need to get rid of the gold sellers and their mule accounts, it may victimize a great number of chinese if indiscriminate bans happen though.
/report Thorinus 7.8inches


i would get banned in a day you're crazy, btw i already made this thread keep up
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ED had a level 20 limit to worldchat, it was a pain in the ass for finding RFC/DM/WC groups but it prevented low level alts from spamming worldchat.

But even that wouldnt be enough nowadays, you will have mails from <non-existing character>s, you will get whispers, you will get spammed in general/trade chats. The only way to deal with this bullshit is to bring the hammer down(to the usual suspects, who else?). We need to get rid of the gold sellers and their mule accounts, it may victimize a great number of chinese if indiscriminate bans happen though.

So put a lvlreq of 15 then since noone will be doing dungeons before 15 anyways. Either way, a higher lvlreq will hamper their spam efforts severely.


While I like the idea, a) "if something can be abused, it generally will be" is a familiar ideology that does apply, b) I am not 100% sure but such ability may be client side to create, if so then we cannot legally modify the client.

How about an official response on why there isnt a lvlreq on world? I would solve most problems with minimum effort for the staff.
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