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    TwinStar team

Guild Speed Rankings




it used to be interesting to monitor the guilds bosses fight speed (https://vanilla-twinhead.twinstar.cz/?boss-kill-guild..) when the information was updated every several days. But now it's updated once a month of rarer. Couldn't you please tell us about the reason why, or fix it if there's no real reason?

Thanks in advance.

More frequent updating would be very nice.

It's time consuming but you can still click through to each individual boss and see accurate and up to date information.
Rankings are updated nightly.
However in speed rankings only bosses from latest content version are updated.

Rankings from bosses from older patches are considered to be "archived".
As new content is released players get new and stronger equip and speed kills of bosses from older patches lose its value. This archivation feature allows these kills to retain its value as those were achieved with a great effort of many guilds.

If you see kills from latest content not being recalculated you can report details as usual to twinhead.twinstar.cz
Rankings are updated nightly.
However in speed rankings only bosses from latest content version are updated.

Rankings from bosses from older patches are considered to be "archived".
As new content is released players get new and stronger equip and speed kills of bosses from older patches lose its value. This archivation feature allows these kills to retain its value as those were achieved with a great effort of many guilds.

If you see kills from latest content not being recalculated you can report details as usual to twinhead.twinstar.cz

Does it mean that new guilds, even those that have old-content items, have no chances to be included in the list? In the beginning, just after ZG, the statistics was updated. Couldn't you please make a change and give a chance (a month or something) for the new guilds to show the results? It's not logical to restrict and close what you offer to the community.
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