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Hogger and other mobs


New Member
Apr 12, 2016
With the so many people and spawn times down so low its been slow picking. hogger has a 10 minute spawn timer with at least 10 people waiting for him non stop. all i am suggesting is to increase spawn times by a little bit
ya and the other spawns are also flooded with people. doesnt change the fact that all their spawn rates dont adjust to the amount of people
Normal mobs have limit of 1 minute spawn. Elites have 5 minutes. It is because of locations like deadmines, where party need time to rest. And when locations get less populated, it will be frustrating to get to dungeon with, lets say, 3 minute elites respawn.
I was doing Hogger, there were 4-5 full groups we made it at the 4th attempt, the respawn isnt that long, its not a normal mob, its elite and you should consider waiting that or try another quest then try Hogger again.
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