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    TwinStar team

I propose a 24 hour limit on COD items


New Member
Feb 6, 2016
I hate having to wait from griefers to get the item i sent them via COD mail i see no need to have the limit to over 24 hours. Why should they hold my items hostage for more than 24 hours with no intent on buying it.
48 hours is still to long, no one should need more then 24 hours at best and if they arent prepared to buy it in those 24 hours then it gives the person selling it a chance to sell it to some one else willing to purchase asap.
To be honest, It happened to me few times already, that I "bought" something through world chat, went sleep, next day went to work, returned at late night and took the item from mail after 30-40 hours.
same as aerith, i bought something for my alt and had to farm the money first which took me a few days

pls don't change anything
If thats the case contact the seller and ask to repurchase his product. Ive been on the server barely a week if that and have had people grief me on items im selling and just today got most of them back in the mail. Theres to many trolls and griefers and i for one will not COD any item to any one until this gets reduced. If you purchase some thing by COD then at least be respectful and pick the items from the mail box as soon as you can. And if your telling me you cant log on for 2 mins to grab stuff out of the mailbox then you shouldnt be COd'ing any thing.
I can't see how this is a problem. If you want to avoid getting "griefed" just don't send c.o.d. but insist on trading or use the AH.
Well as a new player to this server i just found out its a 31 day wait in order to get mail back from griefers. This is the only problem i have with this server this is complete bullshit i suggest there be a warning to new players about coding people any type of mail. or fix this bullshit 31 day wait.
Demanding that other people stay online to wait for your mail, or log in constantly to check their mail is ridiculous.

If you aren't sure of somebody, or you need gold in a hurry. DON'T cod! It's pretty simple.

The 3 day limit is fine.
Just don't COD strangers, low lvl people or unguilded people, with names that end with 'lol' or 'pwnzor' and you will be fine.

Use it for friends and (lvl 60) people from established guilds.
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