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    TwinStar team

Investigate players who are logging on both factions to pop bg queue.


Nov 7, 2014
Pretty much what the title says. If a player is in queue with both an Alliance and Horde character for the same bracket at once this should be a bannable offence. Popping games with cross faction alts is going to get worse with the 7x xp event coming up as i am sure more people will have characters on the opposite faction that they can do this with. I don't really know if checking IP addresses is the way to go but this should be addressed in some way.
Thank you for the concern. We have extensive logging of all BG queueing including account and IP address. We routinely go through the logs to determine if specific players are causing battlegrounds to pop. As such, when we do find that players are abusing this, those players are dealt with directly by us. While it may appear on the surface that this behaviour either continues/goes unpunished, you can rest assured that we take names and all players who abuse this eventually face punishment one way or another.
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