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    TwinStar team

Item Quest loot sharing... I may be wrong but, it sucks!


New Member
May 9, 2016
From what I understood:
- Item quest drop rate on this server is low, very low compared to Nost
- Only 1 person in the group can loot the quest item, and it's the guy whose turn is to loot
- If the guy who has the turn to loot has already done the quest, the item reaches the void and never comes back

This makes questing in dungeons IMPOSSIBLE because you have 1 chance every 5 mobs to get the quest item which prob won't drop. You either put ffa or you may as well rerun the same dungeon at least 2-3 times. Please don't tell me I am the only guy who is so frustrated about this.
I think that even the Nostalrius system ( ' hey the fastest clicker gets the loot 'cuz its all shared ) works better than this one.
If I got it wrong, I'm sorry.
If I got it right... can we change it ?

P.s: maybe that's how it worked in vanilla retail but since this server isn't 100% blizzlike, this little change would make questing so so so much easier.
Excuse me for my bad english.
Group loot is bugged and it is annoying. Together with the decreased XP you get in groups thats a huge penalty for grouping at all. I think the problem is known since release but never got fixed.
Yes, all quests that require you to loot items are currently impossible to complete on Kronos while in a group.
Yes, it's really off-putting and I wonder why this hasn't been fixed yet as this really affects every player on a daily basis. It is weird how you get penalized, when you want to do stuff in a group. And some quests where you have to loot some items dropping in an instance might not be completable at all without running it multiple times.
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