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    TwinStar team

Kronos 2 BG's


New Member
Apr 27, 2016
Okey to start of people are going to say hordes go make premades etc. Sure its possible but people also think before trying that it wouldnt compete against the alliance premades anyways.

So ATM for the 2 last weeks hordes are trying their best to Q dodge 2 out of 3 WSG / AB's cause alliance are running premades who end the game in less than 10min. Because of that we dont get BG marks even on horde side... Is it even possible to change that system? so we get a BG mark after 5min or just get marks from every BG? cause atm we are just a charity case for alliance. when It's pug vs pug it's a good fight! but this is actually just ruining everything...
So being a new server, full of undergeared players has nothing to do with anything? Hit up a pvp guild or form a 10 man raid yourself. Being social has its perks and you obviously see it as you are getting hit with the wrong side of the stick. This is an MMO, playing with friends is what it's about.
So being a new server, full of undergeared players has nothing to do with anything? Hit up a pvp guild or form a 10 man raid yourself. Being social has its perks and you obviously see it as you are getting hit with the wrong side of the stick. This is an MMO, playing with friends is what it's about.

I feel like you dont make a single point in this post, you seem to try hard to make a point but you fail because you are desperately trying to make a point, because you probabyl dont actually know why you are playing in the first place. You are writing in a way nobody can respond to you, you want to sound 100% right without having a point.

@oystein, if you would like to support Battlegrounds, check out the suggestion thread i made, you can find it in my signature.
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