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    TwinStar team

Kronos 2 PVP experience suggestion


New Member
May 3, 2016
I know it's not Blizz like in this patch to give EXP for PVPing, but I think it would be great to be able to avoid the congestion in the quest zones and allow players the option of leveling VIA PVP, I think it would be great fun to level via PVP quests for WSG and Arathi, or just for player kills.
Why dont you play retail if its the game you enjoy? Do it in BG's instead of exploring, questing, grinding.
I agree, a viable leveling option for PVP only would be awesome!

However we do gain some small amounts of exp for turning in WSG token wins. But this is not enough in my opinion.

The ideal situation would be to given world pvp honor gains, good exp gains, so it's worthwhile for alliance and horde to battle each other (like Southshore).
The population on K2 is great, but why the heck no Wsg at 20-29 and 30-39 are opening???
It seems like no one wants to BG :huh:
I know it's not Blizz like in this patch to give EXP for PVPing, but I think it would be great to be able to avoid the congestion in the quest zones and allow players the option of leveling VIA PVP, I think it would be great fun to level via PVP quests for WSG and Arathi, or just for player kills.


This was a bad idea in retail, and it's a bad idea here.
The population on K2 is great, but why the heck no Wsg at 20-29 and 30-39 are opening???
It seems like no one wants to BG :huh:
There're WSGs 20-29 time to time. Not enough casual 30-39 players yet I guess - and those who're leveling obviously don't want to BG.
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