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    TwinStar team

Kronos and Kronos II should have cross realm BGs with each other

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Nov 7, 2014
Having a pool of potentially 10, 000 players (an estimate of course) available for BGs is much better for queue times and for the diversity of games one will face. Additionally, it helps ensure that if one server is not as populated as the other, players can still enjoy reasonable and regular queue times. On top of this, it is an opportunity to showcase the talent of Twinstar's developers to implement such a system.

A major argument against this that i have heard is gear disparity that will occur from two servers being on different timelines for releases. While this is true, it is no different from queuing BGs on Kronos right now, as players are in dungeon blues and facing groups in full T2. If anything, cross-realm BGs would give players more opportunity to fight players of their own gear level because of the increase in players to queue against. As well, when Blizzard implemented cross-realm BGs on their live servers different battlegroups had servers with different progression rates. For example, some servers had not opened AQ gates yet but were in battlegroups with servers where guilds were into naxx.

Anyways, there are a few things to address like limiting trades within BGs to conjured items only but other than that there are many benefits, such as reducing queue dodging and giving players more opportunity to do BGs. Something to think about at least.
Dunno if this is possible but yes i would like to see it.

First lvl 1-59 and 3-6 months where they have some average gear so they are not dominated include 60. It would ensure PvP being very active.
I am not entirely sure how it is with Vanilla, but when TwinStar had two WotLK and then two Cata servers, many players were suggesting the same thing, of course. The answer was that it was too complicated to script. I therefore wouldn't be putting much hope into this idea, but let's see what Chero's going to tell.
Not having to fight fully R14 people is one of my incentive to start over.
Maybe cross-relaming would be good somewhere down the line, but not until we have decently geared people on K2 as well.
As Holaver sayed above, twinstar wotlk and cata devs were working on it.. For about two years and did not figured it out so do not expect this to ever happen.
Do not "expect" but "hope" as stated before it has been attempted on other projects however do not give up hope as who knows what lies in the future :wink:
I think you're underestimating the impact of gear differences in competitive PvP. On any realm during a given week there are "tiers" of ranked players joining premades and spending a ton of time grinding honor. The most skilled/geared players usually find each other and form premades, and there are lower ranked/geared people doing the grind and "trying" to get into the best premades they can, while people hitting r14 (or whatever goal) sort of cycle out of the system.

Allowing mixed BG's will create a queueing environment where even the best players on K2 are disadvantaged, - and they shouldn't be. There will always be no life premades queueing, and the ceiling for K1's premades will always be higher, and they'll always be stronger. (at least until far down the road, when both servers have Nax out?)
Agreed with cross-realm BGs between Kronos and Kronos II.

However queue priority should be given among itself. For example if a Kronos BG is queing but two Kronos II groups are also queing, priority should give between Kronos II groups everytime before Kronos I. The exception should be for long wait times (30+ minute wait should be given top prioity).

I don't know if this system can be implemented or currently is?
It'd be nice indeed. Really miss having an AV up running 24/7.
I might be wrong about this, but afaik there aren't any pservers out there with x-bgs yet.
This should not be implemented before K2 have opened AQ40.

The highest priority right now is to make K2 attractive so that we can take some stress off K1. That's the reason the server was created in the first place. Accidently stumbling into an AQ40-geared premade when you just dinged 60 on a server where Onyxia is considered the hardest boss is not going to make you appreciate the faster queue in any way.

This suggestion is in the interest of K1, which has no problems with queues at the moment. I'm not in favor of having developers spend countless hours on trying to script this.
kronos devs best twinstar devs
gogo crossrealm pvp!
there is some idea at ayz words tho, but imo gear isnt a problem for a good pvper. look at dem war soles
and K1 isn't fun server with aq gear vendor, pretty sure aq geared prems will be a rare thing
just make it
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This should not be implemented before K2 have opened AQ40.

The highest priority right now is to make K2 attractive so that we can take some stress off K1. That's the reason the server was created in the first place. Accidently stumbling into an AQ40-geared premade when you just dinged 60 on a server where Onyxia is considered the hardest boss is not going to make you appreciate the faster queue in any way.

This suggestion is in the interest of K1, which has no problems with queues at the moment. I'm not in favor of having developers spend countless hours on trying to script this.

This. Maybe in 6 months we can start thinking about cross realm bgs. Maybe
I can't remember where I read it, but it took Blizzard close to two years to develop the coding used for Cross-realms. Considering the amount of people working in the coding department full-time, I would expect it to take a few hundred years for Kronos to develop such technology from scratch. Just my few cents.

I moved to K2 even if i hade 60s with pre raids BiS on K1 because i wanted somthing fresh. The server have a big population easy over 3k probebly more. I wouldent want a cross-realm. Why have nothing to do with the gear of K1 its more the fact of the mentality of especialy alliance of premade or no BG history from before gave me bad feelings of the pvp on k1. I hope K2 can be better.
I can't remember where I read it, but it took Blizzard close to two years to develop the coding used for Cross-realms. Considering the amount of people working in the coding department full-time, I would expect it to take a few hundred years for Kronos to develop such technology from scratch. Just my few cents.


The fact that Blizzard took 2 years to develop something like that is just gold xD Thanks for this info
1) K2 60s should definitely have an option to avoid cross-realm PvPing - for the sake of K2 PvPers who actually want to form premades, win and rank. Or do you want to put the whole K2 PvP community in disadvantage?
2) If there's an option to avoid cross-realm PvPing - no one on K2 will ever use cross-realm, because no one will knowngly lower his/her chances to win.

Thus I just don't see how it's possible.
I am not sure if crossrealm BGs would be good idea, not at all for this moment.

K1 and K2 are not in same timeline, K2 is fresh server about 1 year in timeline (and gear) from K1 so would be big imbalance in players equipment.

For now both servers are pretty full and often we got queue so around 2000-2500 x2 players online, there is really no need of any crossrealms for now.

Well in future.... after 7-8 months... than maybe can be an option, especially if population goes down but I am sure we will have constant 2k players on each server.
It would be great to have, and maybe one day it could be possible. But this is not something that is going to happen anywhere in the short term or near long term.
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