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    TwinStar team

Kronos PvE Progression

Updated with AQ40 progress for the guilds i could find info on. latest boss kills doesnt show the kills in aq40 yet so if u want it added give some links, im sure u did some screenshots for ur guild websites
May 2016:
15 Alliance guilds
14 Horde guilds

Fresh guilds, recruiting to begin raids:
Have defeated Lucifron
Have defeated Magmaddar
Have defeated Gehennas
Have defeated Garr
Have defeated Baron Geddon
Have defeated Shazzrah
Have defeated Sulfuron Harbinger
Have defeated Golemagg the Incinerator
<Memento Mori>
Have defeated Majordomo Executus
Have defeated Ragnaros
<Rag Monday Boys>
<Zug Zug>
Have defeated Onyxia
Have defeated Razorgore the Untamed
Have defeated Vaelastrasz the Corrupt
Have defeated Broodlord Lashlayer
Have defeated Firemaw
Have defeated Ebonroc
Have defeated Flamegor
<Me Me Da>

Have defeated Chromaggus
Have defeated Nefarian

<Ancient Brotherhood>

August 2016, 1 week after AQ opening
22 Alliance guilds
18 Horde guilds

. ..o

Have defeated Lucifron
Have defeated Magmaddar
Have defeated Gehennas
Have defeated Garr
Have defeated Baron Geddon
Have defeated Shazzrah
Have defeated Sulfuron Harbinger
Have defeated Golemagg the Incinerator
Have defeated Majordomo Executus
<Remember the Scrubwell>

Have defeated Ragnaros
<Whos on first>
Have defeated Onyxia
<Blood n Honor>
<Fireborn Clan>


Have defeated Razorgore the Untamed
Have defeated Vaelastrasz the Corrupt
Have defeated Broodlord Lashlayer
Have defeated Firemaw
Have defeated Ebonroc
Have defeated Flamegor
<Eternal Glory>
Have defeated Chromaggus

Have defeated Nefarian
<Unite and Vanquish>
Have defeated The Prophet Skeram
Have defeated Battleguard Sartura
Have defeated Fankriss the Unyielding
<Gulch Trotters>

Have defeated Princess Huhuran
<Me Me Da>
<Rag Monday Boys>



Have defeated The Twin Emperors
<Memento Mori>

. . .o
. .
Have defeated C'Thun





Timezone: EU
Schedule: Wednesday and Sunday, 19:00-23:00
GM/Senior Officers: Ilycra, Verusa, Ninsu
Website: http://www.sorrow-kronos.com/

Has merged into

Timezone: EU
Schedule: Monday, Wednesday and Sunday, 19:00-23:00
GM/Senior Officers: Ilycra, Bolegnomen, Tyrial and Smaskfia

Keep up the great work!
August 2016, 1 week after AQ opening
22 Alliance Guilds
18 Horde guilds

November 5th
Displays the hardest boss each guild has been able to defeat within the last 20 days.
20 Alliance Guilds

17 Horde guilds

Have defeated Ragnaros
<Lost in Sauce>

Have defeated Onyxia
<Whos on first>

Have defeated Razorgore the Untamed
Have defeated Vaelastrasz the Corrupt
Have defeated Broodlord Lashlayer
Have defeated Firemaw
<Fireborn Clan>
Have defeated Ebonroc
Have defeated Flamegor
<Eternal Glory>
Have defeated Chromaggus
<The Doomhaus>

Have defeated Nefarian
Have defeated The Prophet Skeram

<Blood n Honor>
Have defeated Battleguard Sartura
Have defeated Fankriss the Unyielding
Have defeated Princess Huhuran
<Invalid Target>

Have defeated The Twin Emperors
<Blood n Honor>

Have defeated C'Thun
<Gulch Trotters>

<Me Me Da>
<Memento Mori>
<Rag Monday Boys>

<Unite and Vanquish>




Last edited:
I think Sorry doesn't raid anymore either. Not sure, but acoording to Armory, noone in their guild killed any boss for 9 days.
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