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    TwinStar team

Kronos timeline progress


New Member
Jul 30, 2015
Hello i've been playing on nostalrius and i'm rather feed up with the slow progress they have with their timeline.

And i'm kinda itchy to start playing again, and it seems that kronos is progressing faster through the content than nos is, I don't want a server that rushes through the content patches, i just want some more content than just bwl and ony.

I got a few Questions that i hope people would like to answer:
Is battleground rewards out yet(wsg,ab,av)?
Is there alot of bugs?
How many is playing on the server(don't hope it's 5-10 k ...)
Guess this is all i can think of for now, hope you guys will give me some feedback on your experience with Kronos and the progress the server have had so far :)
Is battleground rewards out yet(wsg,ab,av)?
Is there alot of bugs?
How many is playing on the server(don't hope it's 5-10 k ...)
a) yes
b) it's all relative I guess, compared to other vanilla servers there's fewer bugs
c) 800-1100 players at peak times
If you compare it to nost than yes theres alot less bugs.
Like stated above population peaks at around 1100
Thanks for answering.

Efie, i couldn't find any reliable source that said how far you are with the vanilla timeline or how many players there is, and yes, i am not very used to forums, so i made a new topic to get the on date information.
Thanks for answering.

Efie, i couldn't find any reliable source that said how far you are with the vanilla timeline or how many players there is, and yes, i am not very used to forums, so i made a new topic to get the on date information.

Kronos is currently in the MC phase, with plans on releasing BWL in the coming month. More information can be found here: http://www.kronos-wow.com/2015/05/30/content-content-and-more-content/

Every battleground is released, with every reward available.

This server is arguably the best scripted Vanilla server out there. I have ran into very little bugs throughout my time here.

A real-time statistic of players logged on can be found here; http://www.Kronos-Census.com.
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