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    TwinStar team

Last Online


New Member
Aug 23, 2014
Have you ever wondered wether to remove an old player from your friend/ignore list or not ?

For example you really enjoyed this players pressence and if there is still a chance he or she might return you would never remove their name as you really enjoyed playing together sadly all addons can do is list if they where online while you where and guilds are limited to when the character last came online.

I would like to suggest "Last Online" a feature that can be called by typing .last_online_ and then category or name which then prints a list of character names displaying when the account was last online of course without ever showing account name.

for example.

[You] .Last_Online_Joe
[Last Online] Joe - 10 days

[You] .Last_Online_Friend
[Friend List] Albert - 10 days
[Friend List] Blizzard - 999 days
[Friend List] Einstein - 3 days
[Friend List] Chero - 0 days
[Friend List] MissGurky - 1 days
[Friend List] MrGurky - 2 days
[Friend List] Gurky - 0 days
[You] .Last_Online_Ignore
[Ignore List] Blizzard - 999 days
[Ignore List] Troll - 10 days
[Ignore List] Spammer - 90 days
[Ignore List] Flamer - 10 days
[Ignore List] GoldsellerA - 500 days
[Ignore List] GoldsellerB - 300 days
[Ignore List] GoldsellerC - 1 days

This is just a suggestion tho but personally i would like to see it as the longer you play the more on the friend list you will have however it is capped at 50, same goes for the ignore list which is why a script command that prints such could help you filter better. What do you think ?
I believe we removed each other long ago, didn't we? :D

Anyway, good suggestion, I bet it's easy to implement, but not sure they'll bother.
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