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    TwinStar team

Limit numbers of BGs per hour


Jun 18, 2015
I've seen alot of complains about how PvP turned into a mindless grinding fest (especially on K2 and their 24/7 AV). Well to be honest WoW PvP is always been a grinding fest, or at least that's how vanilla WoW is, but maybe we can do something about it.

In this thread I made a reply with some suggestions (they are not Blizz-like so please don't /spit on me), and I wanted to copy-paste them in this Suggestions and comments section to share this idea with the Kronos developers.

So the idea is to add a specific debuff just for AV and AB, and limit the times you can join WSG in an hour:

  • You get a 1 hour "can't re-queue AV" debuff once you queue AV.
  • You get a 30 minuts "can't re-queue AB" debuff once you queue AB.
  • Limit the times you can join a WSG game to like 3 times per hour (you get deserter if you leave WSG queue to prevent dodging).


  1. This way you might be able to play all kind of BGs at any day.
  2. No dodging (or at least this way it's gonna be really hard to dodge).
  3. More intense games, becouse every win matters alot more becouse of less games.
  4. No AFK leechers or at least less leechers, becouse with less games you must win to progress!
  5. Good PvP groups will prevail over nolifers honor grinders (becouse usually nolifers honor grinders are quite bad at PvP, they simply play 24/7 and get insane honor, but this way they'll still get less honor than good premades that actually win most games).
  6. Everyone will be able to grind less and enjoy more! Since you need to focus on those few games per hour, you wont need to mindless grind honor 24/7.


  1. Not Blizz-like (purists are going to complain about it).
  2. Less games per hour and maybe longer queues (if you don't get the big picture then you wont like it).

Please feel free to add your own cons and pros, so that we might improve this idea or just bury it as deep as possible in the ground!:dance:

inbe4 "OMG fun srvur!!!11one"
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what would Moradin say

I don't think he ever joined any BG, so I guess he woldn't be able to say anything specific about this argument... or maybe he would simply say something like "I don't approve this, since it's not Blizz-like".
CD on all Raids until you did at least 200HKs outside of AV in this week. That should increase activity quite a bit.
Is my idea on the same ******-level as yours or must I try harder?
These are good suggestions. If you do not like these changes, you obviously just want to grind free honor/losses in bgs. PvP is not for you then..
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