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    TwinStar team

[Meta] Can we please do something about Nala?


Apr 14, 2016
I didn't know where else to post this, so I figured the suggestion forum would be the best place. If I am wrong, please direct me to where I need to go.

I don't mean to incite drama or complain, but I would like to submit a formal request to remove Nala from any position of power. There have been numerous complaints about her. She is rude, immature, and hypocritical. She bans people for disagreeing with her, breaks her own rules and she throws around her power as she chooses. This is leaving a bad reputational mark on the server and if I am going to be banned from various community outlets, then I am strongly considering switching to another server.

I have been banned from the K2 discord. Nala said on the discord that she owns the K2 community and I disagreed with her. I told her that she is more of a leader and that she provides us with a means for the community to flourish. I did not resort to name calling or foul language. I was very polite and it was not my intention to demean her. She then re-invited me back to the discord and told everyone that I said that I own the community (which I did not say) and told everyone to make fun of me. After I had denied the claim that I had said that, she private messaged me and told me that I was breaking the rules. I asked her which rule I was breaking, which she claimed was civil dissent, and I disagreed that I was breaking that rule. I was banned again shortly after.

I went to the subreddit, not aware that she is also a moderator there as well, to open up a discussion about Nala's abuse of power. I was then banned from both the KronosWoW subreddit and the Kronos 2 subreddit shortly after.

This is not the first instance of something like this happening. I have heard from numerous people about her misbehavior as admin/moderator and it seems a lot of people disagree with what she is doing. An administrator or moderator should be level headed and should respect others' opinions, especially if they are strongly opinionated themselves. If they want to make a rule against such a thing, then they should also abide by the same rules that they place and not be hypocritical to the community that they are helping flourish.

There needs to be an officially endorsed subreddit and discord ran by someone who is professional or Nala will continue to hurt the community in the long run as more and more people see the person that she really is and be turned off by the lack of professionalism from Twinstar endorsed officials.

Thank you.
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From what I know, Nala is not actually a part of the Kronos team at all. This person created the K2 subreddit, and therefor is a mod there, same goes for Discord. If possible, this person needs to be banned from all server social media that belong to the server staff and contact reddit admins to have the subreddit deleted, as well as their account and IP banned from playing on the server, behavior like this should not be tolerated on any level (pretending to represent the server management in any way). If this person actually is a part of the Kronos team, Kronos management still needs to deal with it ASAP as there are reports of abuse of power all over pretty much all of the servers social media.

Nala is not mentioned on the Staff page on the Kronos website either, so it's probably someone 'volunteering' without disclosing that they in no way represent the server staff, while giving off the impression that they are.

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What's the point of arguing with someone ( about over complicated hear say ) that has the ability to ban your account ? Keep it simple. Provide a screen shot and the entire chat history. Or. Let it go.
Or hang out on the Forums? Facebook, Twitter and this forum are the official communication ways.
And IRC.

Amory, if you want to present someone's bad behavior to the community or the admins, I suggest you include a log file, a txt copy or screenshots of your conversation.

PS: I checked it out and there is actually no "Nala" in the team, so there is hardly anything the admins can do about this specific person. Everyone can create their own chat, forum, discord and whatever other service they want, because it's free and the name "Kronos" is not bound by any copyrights.

Kronos team never announced creating a new official communication channel or community space.

The only reason you're complaining here is because you went and used the discord channel this "Nala" created. Sadly, this is your own fault. If that place is bad, stop frequenting that place, it will eventually die out.

PPS: Here's a repost of official statement from IRC
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For everyone saying that Nala is not part of the team, I have heard that she is officially endorsed by the Twinstar team. I am sorry if she is not but that is the impression that I was given. If she is not officially endorsed then you all are right, there is nothing that can be done.

Also for the chat logs, once you are kicked out of a discord server, you are not allowed to look back at the chat logs in order to take screenshots. This was happening pretty fast and I did not realize in time that screenshots may be nessecary.

Thanks for the info guys by the way. I am still fairly new here and to private servers in general, so I'm sorry for my ignorance on some aspects.
Also for the chat logs, once you are kicked out of a discord server, you are not allowed to look back at the chat logs in order to take screenshots. This was happening pretty fast and I did not realize in time that screenshots may be nessecary.

So I just created a discord account. Joined the aforementioned channel.

frownbear - Yesterday at 9:38 PM
Yeah, the Discord has a reputation
Jeniczek - Yesterday at 9:38 PM
Nala lost their mind
and started to backstab our project
piestabber - Yesterday at 9:38 PM
What to do until tue....
Jeniczek - Yesterday at 9:38 PM
she never was a part of our team, never was anything and she just turned crazy
frownbear - Yesterday at 9:39 PM
Pls confirm you are Jeniczek
Spunken - Yesterday at 9:39 PM
Guis, how was k2 before the DDOS?
worldstar - Yesterday at 9:39 PM
Nala's Peon - Yesterday at 9:39 PM
@Spunken One or more of the words you used in that sentence are not allowed here.
worldstar - Yesterday at 9:39 PM
unless you were a warlock
Jeniczek - Yesterday at 9:39 PM
frownbear come to IRC and I can confirm
Majkmannen - Yesterday at 9:39 PM
It worked great, Spunken!
Jeniczek - Yesterday at 9:39 PM
I have no rights here
frownbear - Yesterday at 9:39 PM
I'm in IRC
in the channel
Jeniczek - Yesterday at 9:39 PM
make ma HL there

Seems to me that I can look back at whatever I need (unless I'm banned obviously). Sucks that discord has no option to export chat history, but there's already a petition to have it added.
I've no idea what's going on on these Discords and Reddits and god-knows-what-else, but from what Jeniczek said yesterday on the IRC (I posted part of it to the General Discussion), there is not a single sign of "endorsement" from our side.
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