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    TwinStar team

Multiqueue for Battlegrounds: NEW IDEA


New Member
Apr 7, 2015
Maybe it would be a good idea to not remove the other queues when joining a bg, rather remove other queues only when that bg invites you and the bg invite dissapears so other people has the chance to get it open while bg queue is not removed, also you could Hide the queue once it pops for people already in a BG so that the 2 min runs out in the background so that it doesnt disturb them when it pops up. Ofc make it not possible for people who are in BG to join other BG, but dont take them from queue.

So atleast it gets open, even there isnt much joining and it gets closed within 5 minutes it will still be announced in the chat and more people would get interested to queue and im sure it will get popular doesnt it? same with AV! People queue once for AV and never lose it again except logging out or when it pops!

Understand what i mean? Please this is a new unique idea that doesnt hurt anyone

/pls discuss!

If there is any negative side effects of this, i dont get it! I can only see benefits for everyone without abuse ! please ! Make Battlegrounds great again xD!

Currently the other queues are removed when you enter a battleground, so this would serve as an improvement of this modification.

If i am not mistaken, this modification was made to prevent premades dodging, so this will still not allow dodging with this improvemenet

Edit: NEW IDEA 2: Also you could change the queue for AV so that it wont be removed when joining a BG, since the removal of queue is made for dodging and not having empty bgs, this would only benefit the pvp scene.
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But why would you queue for both if you're just going to ignore the queue pop for WSG? Right now there haven't been any AB's because the majority of people queueing are fine with whatever pops first (WSG) and there aren't enough players for multiple BG's at once.

Trust me, I'd love more BG's, but it's not the fault of the system, there just aren't enough players queueing yet.
But why would you queue for both if you're just going to ignore the queue pop for WSG? Right now there haven't been any AB's because the majority of people queueing are fine with whatever pops first (WSG) and there aren't enough players for multiple BG's at once.

Trust me, I'd love more BG's, but it's not the fault of the system, there just aren't enough players queueing yet.

Nobody said its "the fault of the system" this is an idea for an improvement of this current function. And it is clear it will improve for the benefit of getting more battlegrounds open.

Some people just queue everything and joins what pops first.

Maybe you didnt understand what i mean. I mean that if anyone who doesnt have a clue how the multiqueue works and queues for 3/2 bg's then this benefits people who only queue for 1 bg, because they are not taken away from the queue. It could benefit AV or AB or WSG, but its clear WSG will open anyway, so this supports AV and AB. While the clueless people play WSG with a AB and AV queue running besides them, eventually enough will have queued for AV or AB that it pops. Of course the people during WSG cannot join it and it will lack players, but the BG announcement will take attention and make people slowly queue for them too, even if there are gonna be some free wins because of lack of players, it will get filled... there are already people who cannot wait having AB and WSG open at the same time and would definitly try this out.
But why would you queue for both if you're just going to ignore the queue pop for WSG? Right now there haven't been any AB's because the majority of people queueing are fine with whatever pops first (WSG) and there aren't enough players for multiple BG's at once.

Trust me, I'd love more BG's, but it's not the fault of the system, there just aren't enough players queueing yet.

after nost died we got more than enugh population so thats bull and majority of people queueing is fine whit wsg?i wouldnt say that its the damn premades that keeps desiding what bg to do if AB happends to pop they rush over to it and reks the first pug they find and people stop queueing AB only faulth system here is the system kronos got multiqueue works perfectly fine and it would open other bgs and give some options to people or kronos can just as well just fucking delete AB and AV for good as it wont be used anyway.
still no multiqueue and only WSG going this is getting boring and old now we need more bgs than 1 damn bg
I'm with ya, its not so much that i'm tired of WSG, although I am getting their. Its that with all the premades at 60 and it being nearly impossible to not go up against them AV would really relieve that for those who want to get honor and arnt in Remedy or the horde guild. I started playing vanilla again to experience old school pvp, and I realize there were premades but you still fought pugs more often than not. Having endless WSG's with no flag captures or even kill's just makes me want to not play at all.
"NEW Idea"?
Obviously troll-thread since this is the major Fail of the Server, because Multiqueue is a retailthing, even back in vanilla..
"NEW Idea"?
Obviously troll-thread since this is the major Fail of the Server, because Multiqueue is a retailthing, even back in vanilla..

If you read carefully, its not the same as retail. its an improvement to the existent modified multiqueue.
If they can code AB/AV priority over WSG (to wait XX minutes and if not enough players do the lowest player requirement BG) then it might work.
The reality is; Most people who are not in a premade are tired of being farmed and would wait in the AB que for ages if need be just to get in and have a game. We dont que Ab cause it dont pop cause WSG is always up and people just join that.

If we could enter wsg while staying in que for AB then jump to AB when it pops then the PROBLEM WOULD BE SOLVED. Most people who are not in premades would give their right arm to get the hell out of WSG and into AB no matter how long the que took or no matter if they had to fight an even harder premade in AB.

FFS KRONOS DO SOMTHING TO FIX THIS. As it currently stands the situation is grossly unfair and is practically cheating on behalf of the premades who just have infinite amounts of free honor and rep. If there was some bug with a raid or instance you can bet it would be patched asap to ensure fairness and player satisfaction.

How many people lvl up to 60 to do pvp and then find this disgustingly odious situation, how many people have stopped playing because of this? People are addicted to wow btw, it would want to be pretty fcking bad for people to stop playing IMO.

yeah i fucking gave up on bgs now fed up whit it, premades dodge eachother to meet pugs and the pugs gets rekt 24/7 bgs are a fucking waste of time if your puging you will only meet premades 99% of the time and its only fucking wsg popping all the time i cant realy see why the devs would want it this way unless their probably premading them selfs lol but all in all this is not vanilla back in real vanilla all bgs poped spesialy AV we dont got cross realms bgs so then its obvious you do something to fix the problem like most other vanilla servers have done whit multiqueue.
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