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    TwinStar team

One auction house for both factions please


New Member
Feb 5, 2016
As title says,this is disturbing,2x AH for each faction and then Neutral,feels like server is empty that way,fix it while 7x event lasts please.

And also it was mentioned in other thread but please make /who command to show overall population.I cant see how is it so hard to fix those 2 things really,will help population wise a lot.
there have already been discussions about this, but not in 7x context. i don't know what the implications would be, maybe someone can weigh in.
Shared AH doesn't have a negative effect but a great positive effect in my opinion.
It makes the AH more active and make it more worth farming stuff and etc..

Its just another dumb blizzlike feature in my opinion and as I always say blizzlike wasn't and isn't really the best there are great ways to improve WoW (for example minor things) specially in 1.12.1 that can make a huge positive impact.

Since I werent here straight from the beginning and cant tell if this server for example were advertised as fully blizzlike (Even if thats already long gone with other features here - But if it was I understand people that wouldn't be pleased with such decision even if I think it would be a really great thing to do - share AH.
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I like the thought of a shared AH. There can never be enough stuff to check out there :D
I don't really see any negatives to having a shared AH, as it stands the AH could use a little bit more supply to it :p
Considering that you can roll both factions here, have multiple accounts etc and that's obviously not Blizzlike I don't see shared AHs being an issue.
I said this so many times... Every little change you make moves the game further away for what is was. It seems like many people today likes the idea of vanilla, but when it comes down to it, they really want what is convenient. No disrespect (but then again) go back to retail if you want convenient. Vanilla was quite the opposite
I would like to see this too, i have tought about this for two weeks now and i cannot see why it would be a bad thing for the server, even with 3k players online this would be a good feature.
Want to ask you guys your opinion why most people are bored to use the shared AH in tanaris or Bootybay. Both provide bank to and they are places that we all use to level so the fee from reputation drops to normal. I always used those AH and always had some items, most of times, be sold. Now dont tell me its far or im loosing "crucial" time here cause that's not a really good reason, my PoV of course. So roll your thought here.
I use the neutral AH to import stuff from Horde to Alliance, making a tidy little profit. So I am against a shared AH. I like the idea that both 'nations' have slightly different economies. Gives more flavour to the game and if you really want you can still buy from both sides .

Doubling the AH would also make it very tiresome to scan the AH for bargains, its big enough as it is now!
I am completely opposed to this idea, other private servers that I've been on that use a xfaction AH, don't have guaranteed robust economies, usually they have WAY too much gold in circulation and only the people with rich alts can afford anything while leveling (especially crafts).

Crossfaction AH isn't a good idea.

- beats the purpose of 2 factions
- beats the world pvp purpose (i don't want to empower my enemy, no matter how RPish it sounded, WoW is made to be like this - 2 factions in WAR. I'd like to keep it that way.)
- shared AH already exists. Move from capital cities.
I do not support this idea.

I think it is nice to have separate economies, I think is adds to the immersion of the game. Plus, speaking for the Alliance side, the AH is pretty dynamic as of now, I don't get the feeling of emptiness at all, I sell/buy a lot of stuff there. Can't say anything for the neutral one though, never used it before.
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