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    TwinStar team

option to lock your account to your countrys IP/ other account security options.


Mar 21, 2016
The hacking seems rampant and I have recently seen 4 fucking decked characters getting hacked and vendored into fucking uselessness with zero help from GM, not even restoring quest items.

Zero responsibility to help from your side only works if you can help us by improving account security, currently we have NO safe measure against an outside intruder. Blizzard added authenticators for a reason. (((so they have to spend less time restoring shit)))

Also to change your email you need a czech only telephone number, it doesn't accept numbers starting without 420(421)
Re: option to lock your account to your countrys IP/ other account security opti


"if u get hakd ur stuped lol"
Re: option to lock your account to your countrys IP/ other account security opti

this sounds like a good idea. +1
Re: option to lock your account to your countrys IP/ other account security opti

Account security is up to the players, meaning your account is only as secure as you yourself make it. That being said, we are already looking into something to increase account security further.
Additionally, the phone verification is being phased out soon and a new system will take it's place

If you get compromised please make an in-game ticket with your compromised account name, and as many details of what you lost as possible, on what characters.
The origin of the compromise will be looked into and the perpetrator banned.

Then you can start compiling a list of QUEST NAMES (not the names of the rewards themselves) you lost, submit it as an in-game ticket and it will be looked into.
If that process takes a while it's because no GM is around when you are, try to catch one on IRC if so.

I don't know why the people you mentioned were turned away for this

Re: option to lock your account to your countrys IP/ other account security opti

how did these people get hacked?
Re: option to lock your account to your countrys IP/ other account security opti

Same account/password on many diff sites/servers.

impressive hacking skills there are

more security is always nice, but the devs always have to consider if its really that important. in the end its the ppls fault they lost their acc
and quite a lot probably simply gave their acc info to a leveling service or something and purchased a little surprise
so is the demand high enough to justify the effort? :shifty:
Re: option to lock your account to your countrys IP/ other account security opti

I also got hacked today, being playing wow for almost 7 years now, not had a single problem, strong password, etc.

And some random guy decided to sell al my items and sent it away. I had like ~5 gold; It was worth it I hope;

I support this ideea.
Suggestion: Maybe a way to prevent some hacked accounts

I know there are multiple things that can lead to your account being hacked, but I have also notice a strong correlation between people taking extended breaks and coming back to a cleaned account. Maybe it is possible to lock your account by email if you wont be able to play for a while. Much like how the character auction is locked. I am not sure if it is even possible to do this but I would feel much better about my account if I was unable to play for a while if it was locked in this way. Thanks for reading!
Re: option to lock your account to your countrys IP/ other account security opti

I'm definitely supporting this! Every addition to secure our accounts are more than welcome. :)

Would be great with some kind of authenticator!
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