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    TwinStar team

Possible solution to the corpse camping and griefing

Do you think the presented idea is a good solution to the problem?

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New Member
May 28, 2016
Opole, Poland
I am sure that every player, at some point, came across a high-level player from opposite faction who decided to kill him/her and then camp the corpse to make the "WoW life" harder and the in-game experience less enjoyble. In contrast to some voices in this section, I DO NOT believe that there should be an option to toggle on/off the PvP option because, after all, it is a PvP server. However, I DO believe that there is an option to make the corpse situation better or at least more bearable. But to the point... my proposition is to make a change to the PvP system so every player would receive a dishonourable kill for killing a player of opposite faction that is "grey" to him. It would still allow fans of total annihilation to do what they like, but at least they would have to deal with consequences in form of lower honour count. Naturally, it is a matter to discuss if 1 dishonourable kill for killing a "grey" player would be enough, or if the "punishement" in this case should be higher (feel free to suggest any other forms of "punishement" that you consider appropiate).

Some guild mates of mine also suggested even further solution: if a player receives certain amount of dishonourable kills per day, his/her own faction would become hostile to him/her for 24 hours and 48 hours respectively, depending on the amount of dishonourable kills received in a day.

Feel free to discuss the proposed solution and post any suggestions that would make it even better. CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM of the idea is welcomed.
I always thought that the DHK system should be extended to gray level players. It would've stopped only a part of ganking (ganking those 8 lvl lower than you, 1% HPed and/or with a group would still be the case), but I feel that it's better than nothing. Some people enjoy the option tho (and I can even understand some of them - those who want to avenge a group of gankers with their highlvl char), so the change won't ever happen.

95% of wPvP is gank, 5% is some fun challenging action. We love PvP servers for that 5% through.
I'd make a wall of low levels around my 60, so nobody dare come try kill me cus what if they arc explosion my wall???
This isn't a fun server though. These are some pretty insane changes to want to happen! Some people's enjoyment of the game extends to killing others and it's an integral part of the experience, both being ganked and ganking.

I absolutely don't agree with these changes, well presented though.
This isn't a fun server though. These are some pretty insane changes to want to happen! Some people's enjoyment of the game extends to killing others and it's an integral part of the experience, both being ganked and ganking.

I absolutely don't agree with these changes, well presented though.
I disagree, everything should have consequences, and just as civilian NPCs cause dishonorable kills, low level players should too.
Find killing others fun? Okay, kill whoever you want but your faction will hate you for being a dishonorable savage who kills those who he far overpowers. Neither the horde nor the alliance accepts this behavior in lore anyways.
Your post brings nothing into discussion about presented idea to solve/change the situation with corpse camping of low-levels.

Happy to see at least some opinions on the idea. As I said in my 1st post, I do not think that the ganking "experience" should be taken out of the game because it is a crucial element of the game as a whole. However, similarly to omigawail, I believe that the propositions presented by me (and partialy by some of my guild mates) would add a certain depth to the fighting of people from different factions (I am talking EXCLISIVELY about the high lvl v. "grey" player situation, the other aspects of PvP would remain unchanged), and the changes in attitude of a faction towards its "unhonourable" member would add completely new aspect to the game.
I encourage MORE PEOPLE to post their OPINIONS about the changes proposed by me, both supportes and oppononents.
You want opinions?

People like you are the reason the Horde thinks Alliance consists of weak bitches.

Threads such as these validate the gankers existence. How can you not see this?
I think Warhammer Online had the best solution to this. If you ganked lowbies you got turned into a chicken so the lowbies could just kill you. What an awesome solution. And they went with the most suitable type of animal as well.
That is probaby the dumbest statement I have seen in a while. The game went downhill because of the Blizzard's decisions that have resulted in COMPLETE and DRASTIC changes to the game.

First of all, I am not a "weak bitch", I just proposed a small change within the game that could make it more enjoyable for low-levels and would have no impact on the late stage of the game. Second of all, why would I ever care about the opinions of Horde players about the Alliance? If you do, the only thing add here is - that is sad. Third of all, the change(s) proposed by me does not (do not) validate the existance of gankers in any way. The only proposition that does that is the one to implement the toggle off/on option on a PvP server.

As I said in my previous post, opponents of the ideas are welcomed to discuss, but without presentind any valid arugments it turns into pointless argument. I really do not care about people who act as they know everything and bitch about "them filthy casuals that destroyed the game". Get a life.

PS. Because I can see that some people here have issues with reading with understanding, the 2nd proposition, concerning the faction behaviour towards its "dishonourable" members was OPTIONAL. I recommend checking the definition of this word if someone does not understand what it means.
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Funny how the one who is trapped in his own mind tells others to get a life. And you call that a discussion lmao
Sorry man but this is never gonna happen. Its not blizzlike, server is pvp and devs have better things 2 do than make sure horde is not camping you. If its such a problem make a lvl 60 friend that can protect you from campers.
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