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    TwinStar team

Premade VS PUG


May 31, 2016
Can we please have a BG-system where the premades get matched versus other premades? Also, add a deserter-debuff for leaving BG-queue- This way people can't dodge eachother.

Best regards,
People like you is the reason WoW turned to shit.
Just join a premade of your own.
People like you is the reason WoW turned to shit.
Just join a premade of your own.
I do. But sometimes you want to play PVP alone, and sadly you can't because you get matched vs a premade. People like me? Sorry if I want some challenge in this game. It's not challenging playing against PUGs while you are a premade, rofl.
People are obviously win-trading on kronos. Of course there will be opposition on what you suggest.
Guys, we should just all wear full D2 then PvP will balance out. Its obviously the multiple Alliance mages in full t2 that are causing PvPz to be not challenging
People are obviously win-trading on kronos.
There is a big difference between win-trading and dodging, even if it's a thin line. If you can prove there is actual systematic win-trading going on cross faction (i.e. players agreeing to giving each other wins), then they can be banned for that.
However a premade choosing not to enter a battleground because they know they will face a group they cannot beat is just dodging and that is not punishable.
How do Battlegrounds looks like in K2?

Premade vs pug starts, half or nearly all of randoms team just write /afk and leave bg, others just afking and waiting the end and hoping they will get lucky to dodge these next time. Very challenging and fun for both sides!
Delete solo queue. Allow only premades. Problem solved. There will be no shitters like OP and premades dont have to dodge since there are only premades to fight. Everyone wins.
sounds like the problem nost experienced. they went back to 1-queue-at-a-time or something? leaving other queues as soon as you join a BG? and twiddled with the matchmaking :D
funny how people accuse the op of wanting an easy win while its the dodgers that are actually forcing an easy win for themselves.. if there were more people doing bg's then it wouldnt be a problem but there are only 3-4 active wsg's going on during prime time and 2-3 of them are premade vs pugs due to all the dodging.

yet those same people that are dodging other premades are the ones that also complain there isnt enough pvp going on.. gee..i wonder why?

everyone can make an alt and spy on the opposing premade but that doesnt make it fair or justified.
Maybe make it so only premades can face other premades where the challenge in that is to over-perform or counter the other premades any way possible, this will work best if there are a decent amount of premade groups active,
almost like a pity-arena kinda concept just way bigger and much more versatile for different strategies.

And on the other hand let pugs only face other pugs which is immensly fair, random and just like currently
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