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    TwinStar team

Prevents streaming Kronos content


New Member
Apr 6, 2016
Hello folks,

I'm not gonna write anything about Nos being dead cause we already know that. Untill official annoucements we can only argue about things that killed the server and how can we avoid that.

Personally I think that streaming the vanilla content on private servers is a huge mistake. Blizzard was hunting lately almost every single streamer that streamed the vanilla content and had like 100+ viewers. Look at Sodapoppin (who probably is one of the factors that the server went down) who couldnt stream in on Twitch because he knew that he will get banned. Although he spammed tweets about it and as a famous person in WoW world, Blizzard wasnt happy. Pretty sure he conviced quite few people from retail to join the vanilla run and this isnt a profit for Blizz. We just dont want to fight them because we cant simply win.

Perosnally, I think Kronos won't lose a thing from restricting the possible stream thing on this server as it won't attract more attention from Blizzard.
How can you even restrict people from streaming in twitch as a private server?

Stop talking nonsense. This is not a dictatorship...
How can you even restrict people from streaming in twitch as a private server?

Stop talking nonsense. This is not a dictatorship...

And it won't be if they forbid that.

If something may cause a harm to a server it can and it should be forbidden. Don't get me wrong - this is probably not the major cause of the downfall of a private server but I'm pretty sure it's a big deal for Blizzard so they can take action towards us. Why take the risk?
But like, how can Kronos forbid something on Twitch? Or are they gonna ban players who stream?
Thats just not gonna happen, I can tell you that.
A private server is always legaly vulnerable; but it makes it's provider especially vulnerable to copyright law infringment claims when someone profits from the server - and the streamers are profiting.

On the other hand, the streamers are making the issue with "overprotective" copyright laws extremely visible, which would be good if the community could in turn generate enough pressure on Blizz to reconsider it's position / launch it's own retro servers / franchises or whatever.

Sign the NOS petition. 30,000 and counting.
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