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    TwinStar team

Problem EVERYTIME I take a boat/zepplin


New Member
Apr 24, 2016
Basically I get the same problem EVERYTIME I take a boat or zepplin - go from og - stv uc - og booty bay-ratchet etc etc.... As soon as the journey is underway and I get to the loading screen I get kicked off the zepplin or ship and land in the middle of the ocean!!! - lose fatigue, die, and have to take Rez sickness...not cool. Use to happen to me on nost too. I don't understand. Help!
It's a common issue with a Mac client on all vanilla private servers, it has been discussed many times, there's also official bugreport: https://vanilla-twinhead.twinstar.cz/?issue=3576

It's one of the most voted bugs for fixing, sadly, devs still don't know how to fix it.

It was fixed on nost, so it can't be that hard?

On Nost you would fall off and land ~5 feet away from the dock in the water

On Kronos you're in the middle of the ocean with a 15 minute swim back to land. Sometimes dying of fatigue.
Yeah and on Nost you were able to log out before the continent jump, log back in a minute later and be at (or very near) the destination tower. Here it sends you to very distant locales-- like UC to Org puts you at the far side of Ashenvale.

On Rebirth the zeps and boats seem to work just fine for OSX, just FWIW.
On Nost Zepelins also flagged you and you immediately DC going to STV.
I never had a wrong zone drop, played since K1 opening, just a bit of swimming/walking to do.
It was fixed on nost, so it can't be that hard?

On Nost you would fall off and land ~5 feet away from the dock in the water

On Kronos you're in the middle of the ocean with a 15 minute swim back to land. Sometimes dying of fatigue.
Incorrect Nostril never fixed it but used a non-blizzlike workaround to temporarily solve it with unknown consequences. It is a known bug even blizzard never fixed during its time and all private servers suffer from with the cause being communication between client and server when the client is run on a Mac.

But as you call it easy you must know how to do it and what the consequences where for doing so right ?

note: sometimes when a fix especially non-blizzlike it can have unpredictable consequences for the rest of the code and cause weird domino effect bugs elsewhere sometimes much much later so when they do things they have to double, triple check before assuring that it will not. Just a tip for ya: Nost still used tbc coefficients for many spells before they went down not to mention they could never mend large exploits like their 1-2 months duping bug at release as they did not "bother" with introducing logs so they could not see who did what or had done.
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I saw this week that another server kinda fixed it at least for Zeppelins. You get ported constantly a few feet forward and up. So you stay on the Zeppelin as it drifts away underneath you. Does not look pretty, but at least you don't fall off it.
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