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    TwinStar team

Public forum for ban appeals


New Member
Feb 24, 2016
Hello Kronos mods and community,

You may know me, in game, as are Astrid(A), Mayael(A), Nachichi(H), Ezuba(H) and a large number of other characters I boosted during the x7 event. I have been part of the community since opening week of K1 over a year ago after retiring from Emerald Dream.

About a month ago I tried signing on and found myself banned. I tried another account of mine and same thing. 15 accounts in total I found to be banned. This was just after the release of K2 and there had been numerous connection issues over the past couple weeks so I gave it a day and tried again. No luck.

I found that IRC was the best way to get a hold of the GMs and so dusted off the mIRC client for the first time since playing CS 1.6 back in the early 2000s(which I've taken back up with my free time without WoW, welcome to add me and come frag sometime [email protected].. not an active email anymore btw).

Through IRC I found that the reason my accounts had been banned was RMT or real money transfers(ie. buying/selling gold). I was referred to the GM who had banned my accounts. Through conversation over the first few days of being banned I found that the true reason I had been banned was because I had been buying bulk Arcane Crystals from members of Me Me Da through COD. Anyone who knows me in game knows I'm always buying Arcane Crystals. 9 of my 15 accounts are specifically lvl 35s I leveled during x7 to do arcanite and mooncloth xmutes which I sell/trade/give to my guild. The members of Me Me Da were banned for actually selling gold and because I had been doing in game business with them I was flagged as an accomplice. I explained the numerous 47.5g COD transfers(groups of 5 ACs x 9.5g/ea) and was told that it would be looked into further.

The week following the DDOS attack began and for obvious reasons the GMs priorities became handling that. Understandable. I decided to just give it a break for a week or two while things calmed down and then get back to the GM that banned me to continue my appeal. I've tried to do just that but have had very little to no response.

I understand that these GMs are extremely busy in game, let alone, busy with their real lives. I know I am. That is why I think ban appeals need to be a more public debate. A forum or something of the sort where both the defendant and not only the GM that made the original ban but other GMs can be aware of the appeals and chime in when they have opinions or relevant information. As it stands now it would seem the 1 on 1 work load of GMs to address appeals is too much.

Understandably there have been a lot of bans during the past month with the server growth resulting from the C&D of Nos but not all of us are guilty and those that aren't need to have our voice heard.

Appreciate your time reading and discussing,
I know the GM's are very busy sorting the server but I hope they take the time to look in to this. We really would like our guildie back.
First of all, thank you for keeping up the discussion. The most important thing is to see all the sides and I appreciate hearing your view.

"Public ban appeals - never ever, I don't want a section here with people slandering GMs and/or server for how they've been for nothing etc. etc. From my long experience, in 99% of cases it will turn out that the ban is completely legitimate." -Holaver

If people use it to slander GMs or the server their threads can be locked. That certainly isn't my intention.

What it would do is fix:

"Nonetheless, the clutter of threads in the General section is just ridiculous and it will have to be dealt with somehow." -Holaver

What I have witnessed through my attempts to resolve this in IRC is that the conversation starts the same way each time. I'm asked basic information like my account names which has been asked before. If there was some sort of running log of the conversation this step would have been cut out multiple times saving the GMs time and allowing the process to move forward. The first few times I was then asked the questions that lead to my knowledge of the reason for my ban. After those questions and in the subsequent attempts to reach out to the GM I was told that they would get back to me or asked to get back in touch with them in a day or two. I don't think it is the GMs intention to keep the defendants on the line but this has been the result.

Maybe the answer is not a public forum but instead a private forum. Somewhere that only the defendant but all of the GMs can see active appeals. This would allow the other GMs to see what steps have been taken already and if one GMs work load becomes too much others could step in to help move the process forward.

Again, thanks for your time reading and discussing,
The bit about "General section" wasn't related to the bans issue at all, it was just an addition to Aurigon's suggestion (meaning that here in the General section of Vanilla forum many useless threads are created).

If it's private forum, be it, but that's really up to GMs how they want to handle bans and whether they want to handle them differently from how it is now. As a mod, I just don't want to have a public forum section here with x pages of threads like "Hey, I'm banned for nothing".
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