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    TwinStar team

PvP Ranking & DDoS attacks


Feb 9, 2016

I just wanna ask if you guys thought of any solution for this problem?

DDoS attacks hit the server 3rd day into the current PvP week, so there's a lot of loose ends in this department since noone expected it. Of course, the most notable case is Batemastur's situation who was on his last week to R14 and couple of tens of thousands honor behind the standing he needed to achieve that goal, but many others got hit by this too since noone could respond to these events..

So what I'm asking if you guys discussed some solutions like let's say:

1) Completely ditching current PvP week and keep ranks from the last update (4th of May) and freeze it there until server is playable?
2) Freeze current amount of honor in "this week" and unfreeze it in the next playable week at the exact same moment when server went down in this one..
3) Something else?

If none of those could work (or any other solution for this week) and this week is what it is, no matter of many people losses, then you really have to freeze ranks for next week which is starting tomorrow. If server stays down throughout the next week aswell, everyone will just suffer 20% decay, without even those 3 days to atleast somewhat save the situation...or it's already frozen with server being down?

Any feedback about this would be highly appreciated..

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Ouch that sucks (for me), never did this well in standing before. Good for others I suppose.

*Edit: Seems like servers full be off a full week so for standings it won't matter much .. was still hoping to be done with ranking by next week but nothing can be done about that
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