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    TwinStar team

Reduce Herb Respawn Timers


Aug 20, 2015
We're now two weeks into the release of Naxx, and it should be clear to you all that unlike what we've experienced so far on Kronos, this raid in particular is not to be taken lightly--or lazily in other words. While most of the bosses can be killed quite easily with 0 consumables, there are a few in there that are heavy consume checks--specifically Loatheb, Gothik, 4H to an extent, Sapph, and KT. Once players begin to exhaust their stock of the pricey consumes, such as flasks, mongoose, magebloods, etc, and realize that they just won't have the time or money to keep up with the weekly requirements, the complaints are going to start to flood in. Rather than sacrifice the quality of Naxx--which is very good right now after most bugs have been fixed--to appease them, I recommend reducing the respawn timers of high level herbs such as Black Lotus, Plaguebloom, Gromsblood, Mountain Silversage, and Dreamfoil, to make them much easier for players to obtain.

I propose the following for new timers:

Black Lotus: 15-30 minute respawn window
All the others: 10-15 minute respawn window

Reducing the respawn timers would accomplish two things:

First, players will have a much easier time farming the herbs they need on a weekly basis. Not only will this mean that consumables are easier to obtain, but it would also reduce the discouragement barrier for herbalists, which in turn would increase player activity out in the world. How many of you just never go herb, because you're sick of riding around a zone for an hour with just 1x plaugebloom to show for it? When people realize that they actually have a chance at finding the herbs they need, they'll be more likely to go do it!

Second, and most importantly, it will shut a lot of the whiners up, who inevitably are going to complain about how hard Naxx is due to the weekly consumable requirements. The last thing I want to see is mobs or bosses nerfed as some sort of knee-jerk reaction to the vocal minority of whiners. My own guild had numerous wipes to both trash and bosses over the past few days, and though deaths/wipes are always frustrating, the overall consensus is that people are having a blast. Other alliance guilds I've spoken with have echoed the same sentiment, saying that they're really enjoying the progression so far. But once consumables run dry, and some of these guilds start hitting a progression wall, the complaints will inevitably start flooding in. Changing herb respawn timers now would be a great proactive measure to minimize the chances of that occurring, and allow Naxx to remain fun and challenging for months to come!
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I get where you are coming from, Shard; but couldn't the same be achieved by just enabling world buffs again at some point?
I thought content was lfr difficulty? Why reduce herb spawns now if everything is lfr difficulty? Everyone should be able to gather the mats for 1 black lotus, and 1-2 stacks of the other herbs you mentioned per week.
As I said in one of the other threads, I think the majority of bosses are currently too easy--some way too easy. That doesn't mean everyone shares my opinion. Observing Kronos Discord, there are a number of players who are already complaining about difficulty, consume requirements, and not having world buffs. If I made a thread about how Naxx should be buffed, what kind of reaction do you honestly think I'm going to get? No, I'd rather accept that this is the closest we're going to get difficulty-wise, and fight to keep it this way for as long as I can.

I get where you are coming from, Shard; but couldn't the same be achieved by just enabling world buffs again at some point?

I think changing herb respawn timers is a fair compromise which will help make life easier for raiders, while allowing us to avoid destroying Naxx's quality--which doing something like re-enabling world buffs 100% would do.
I feel that 2 weeks after Naxx release there are likely still a lot of things that can be optimized for most guilds. Once people know how to play each encounter the required consumables will drop significantly. Flasks and damage consumables will also be less and less necessary as gear improves.

That being said, Loatheb will likely still be hard or impossible to kill without consumables. However, he isn't really that consumable heavy unless you need a lot of tries to kill him. Grave Moss can easily be farmed from instances and Fadeleaf isn't that hard to get either.

In general, I think many players overestimate the necessity for consumables. If they stopped using them for all bosses that don't really need them they would have plenty left over for the harder bosses without spending more than an hour or two a week on farming. Many people in my guild hated the thought of removing world buffs for Naxx but now most agree that logging in a few minutes before the actual raid is a lot more fun than spending around one hour getting buffs. If people came to the same mindset regarding consumables raiding would be a lot more relaxed.

In addition, the "game over" feeling will likely lead to declining interest in playing, thereby reducing competition for herbs.
If I made a thread about how Naxx should be buffed, what kind of reaction do you honestly think I'm going to get? No, I'd rather accept that this is the closest we're going to get difficulty-wise, and fight to keep it this way for as long as I can.


This is the second week of Naxxramas. I'm in prot spec, with prot gear and DPS are required to let me carefully position the boss before starting to DPS. Ignite is dropped often. In a few weeks Heigan will be dying before phase 2 begins even without world buffs. Add world buffs on top of that and we will see kills with 15 seconds left on the phase 1 timer very soon. Naxxramas will become yet another no-mechanics farm raid soon enough.

Regarding people teasing about LFR difficulty... we all used our consumables even before Naxxramas was released. Farming plaguebloom is horrible and the price of 100g per stack is more than enough of an indicator of that. So yes, please do reduce herb respawn timers.

Anyone who is against this idea doesn't realize that content progression is over and that players will need a good reason to keep playing here. Paying 100g per stack of plaguebloom is not one of the good reasons. The "Naxxramas soon" carrot is gone, and all that remains is the "go farm for a few hours every week hoping that you can find a lotus or plaguebloom" stick. Raiding Naxxramas is fun, of course, but for how long will it remain fun? Ares is released. How long will people stick around and wait for Kronos TBC which isn't even announced yet? Who knows how long that will take to be developed to a stage where it's even playable. Think of the player burnout. Kronos will suffer once Naxxramas hype is over, and that's maximum of 2 months.
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Don't worry, Shard, the voices on discord will quit the server soon and you won't have to listen to them anymore.
I'm considering taking a hiatus until the guild has naxx on farm because I don't have 10 hours a week to spend farming consumables
I'm considering taking a hiatus until the guild has naxx on farm because I don't have 10 hours a week to spend farming consumables

Players now-a-days have no idea how easy you have it here compared to back in original vanilla. 10 hours minimum farming was a must for all raiders.

To the OP:
We are keeping an eye on things and will be having an admin meeting to discuss changes to potentially help ease a bit of the pressure. While I don't believe reducing timers for herbs will be the end result, we are going to take a step by step approach to help the community the best we can.
Thank you spazz. I think this should definitely be taken into deep consideration on the part of Kronos' staff, the herb market is outrageous and trying to farm it without having 4+ hours a day to simply ride around a zone picking flowers makes it damn near impossible to keep up week to week. If not addressed this could really lead to super player burnout and essentially shoot what's left of the Kronos community in the foot
I dont know what happened with the plaguebloom spawns in felwood, but since they removed the 7 fixed spawn i can barely found 3 nodes in 2hours roaming. Did they just killed it and only let the 3 random spawn?

Can we know how many plaguebloom can be up at most in felwood? For example in Swamp of Sorrow there are 4 fadeleaf nodes completely random, this is working properly, same for the 4 grave moss nodes in Duskwood.
Devaluating BL that drastically
Black Lotus: 15-30 minute respawn window
is too much, flasks are not mandatory. The price is falling already, by the way.

But in general, I think it's a good idea. Casuals will be able to take it more casually, and most of the tryhards have already overfarmed, so the reduced herb spawn timer won't e.g. increase raidlogging. Something similar to 5g respec cap, from my point of view.
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