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    TwinStar team

Remove all auras whenever a player zones into a dungeon/raid

Filthy casuals

Edit: On a more serious note, even though I doubt anything will be done I wouldnt mind world buffs being removed at all. It would be an easy solution to making the content more challenging and it would remove the retarded keeping your character offline to save buffs.
Please don't punish the dedicated and hardcore.

What provoked this thread, Horo? What did you rage at?
I'm tired of people refusing to do anything but raidlogging with the excuse "I need to save DMF buff" or any buff.
Horo, Ermean is perfectly right. World buffs are like you eat a greasy cheese pizza and then complain about calories. Everybody uses them and some complain how strong they are. I played on Nefarian, a German realm, where in thr damage output of all players was reduced by x% (guess it were 50%) by the server and the bosses did significantly more damage with their abilities. Some of the trash was nearly unkillable without even wiping once. And still AQ was easier than BWL. Every prediction of how hard AQ would be was wrong.
On this server, maybe Aq will be a bit more challenging then Bwl, C'thun will be the movement encounter, and that's it. Maybe you should talk to raid leaders, not to be so close-minded on their buff policies, instead of trying to change the whole server's mechanics. Having few players who are 'elite' and the rest who are casual is more blizzlike then what you are suggesting.
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Even if he is right, telling me to deal with it and not get them if I don't want to not be able to play my character - when my complain is that I can't play with other people because they are refusing to log online - is not helping.
Why do people insist on preparing the character 3 days prior to the raid just to see higher numbers. If those wouldnt exist people wouldnt have to bother about their buffs that much and people can play more actively. Also that is just a personal note: I find it very annoying to do that. I just do it because I want to compete with the others and compare myself to other people of my class/type. If I wouldnt get buffs would mean that I cant compare myself. I guess the same effect applies to everyone else. It is this "I dont want to miss out"-feeling.
You people do realize you can AFK in Ironforge (or anything else) on alts too, not just your mains? So don't blame your friends being raid loggers on buffs. Had they wanted, they would be online with you. But they don't. They prefer being elsewhere. They don't love you anymore.

Someone had to tell them the cold-hearted truth.
Should've known better than to expect anything from you at this point.


edit: here's some entertainment for you guys: https://www.twitch.tv/dreamhacksc2
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Maenng these threads...


I agree with the removal of buffs but some people apparently just raid to break records and do BIG DAMAGE. Which is understandable when you consider how long we have been farming MC/BWL for. (BTW I am truly humbled by the people who rolled on k2 so they can farm more MC/BWL, trve dedication fosho).
I would rather see more "vanilla-like" dps in raids (ye im happier if i do 800 unbuffed on chrom instead of 1100 buffed, feels more legit) but we dont have the right to mess with other people's fun, especially when it doesnt involve anything other than game's original design. Kinda changed my opinion after seeing so many good players saying they'd quit if such a buff removal was to be implemented.
The only people who complain about content being too easy are also the ones who buff themselves up to insane levels.
Guess vanilla is only for the hardcore and dedicated people :/
But arguing about blizzlike or not is another thing. (Considering that normally you can only pop 1 ony and 1 nef head per certain time) and so on plus people back then just used them for important kill trys.

I don't want to decrease your fun. If you find it very amusing to log into the game 2 hours prior to the raid to get you buffs that are not necessary just to roll 5 minutes faster through an instance. Oh, well.
All melee should raid with 1% crit and 100 attack power.

Then the true masters of dps rng will shine.
If I see other mages with buffs outplaying me, I quickly check their buffs, because it's very unlikely that they press their frostbolt button "better" than I do. Each 1% crit is 0,99% extra damage for frost. So if the other mage does 600 dps with ony buff and I do 520 without, I just calculate my 520*1,1 (10% more from missing ony buff) and tadaaa, with ony buff I would have done roughly around 570 dps. If the other mage got flask, he gets around 50 more dps as frost mage (ignoring crit). So I can roughly figure if I did well or if I'm miles away from doing the same ammounts of damage. It's good enough to know that you're good in average. At least for mages damage records depend so much on the perfect raid setup, the perfect bosskill time, crit luck (if u don't crit often enough -> rip dps record) that it's just not worth doing 3 hours or more of preperation each raid, just to eventually be #1 on raidstats.
Also in my life there are more important things like calling my family members or friends, going outside, having fun, eating delicious healthy food, preparing delicous healthy food, rather than comparing to minmaxers, on a private server, in a 11 years old game, who log out every second to save buffs.
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Just use ony head and zg heart, takes like 10 mins and they have the largest impact.

Oh, and what about flasks? Because people tend to also log cause flask is ticking.

Either way, would be a shame if they would take away this typical vanilla thing.
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