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    TwinStar team

Remove multi que with AV (PvP system being abused)


New Member
Aug 1, 2016
Players are stinking up the game for those who actually want to play Alterac Valley. They have an Arathi Basin premade, then que AV and farm HKS and get the quick 2-3k honor, then screw up the game by doing things like capping SH and trying to get other players to keep the match going (my guess is for slower honor for the other players) and then they leave to Arathi Basin. Normal players have around 400k, these groups abusing the system have 800-900k honor. There is no incentive for them to play Alterac Valley other than to get the quick honor from the beginning and then trash the game for other players. I still think AB and WSG should be multique together, but if you que Alterac Valley you should have to commit to it. This will also prevent players who are there to mess with others or who do not care from ruining AV.
Well time to remove / block the addon from the game since AV should not be premade'ed, or why else does AV have no group-queue?

Group queue for AV is not intended and should be prevented. block the addon, ban the addon
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