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    TwinStar team

Rename Kronos II to Chronos or something else


New Member
Apr 7, 2016
I really think Kronos II sounds dull and should be changed so it is easier to identify.
Specially when looking at streams people search for the server name.

I know some people might find this suggestion stupid and act like i have insulted mohammed but lets be real
Kronos I - Kronos II
Lets be a bit more original here mkay :)
Actually i like what you are saying however i like the Kronos two name as it makes it look all the better while navigating on their Armory and as they use the same database i guess diff names would makesome wonder if they use same DB. To be honest i am fine with their names and i reffer to tham like K1 or K2.

I guess it also gives a more firm perspective of it being the last released and that its content release is behind K1. We all have ideas not all brilliant and yours is not bad either but i think Kronos II fits it perfectly :laugh:
Please rename Twinstar to RainbowWoW.

Chero, rename yourself to Czskero.

To avoid confusion, Onyxia should be renamed to Truevanillaonyxia, and Ragnaros - to Bigfirebosswhoisactuallyveryeasytobeatbecause1.12.

And btw, I stopped playing because I can't name my K2 character Nimerul2.
Man, they are free to choose names in their own project.
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